Well its not really new but its new to me. This is the back of the house. Here are the pictures the inspector took. None of the funiture is mine. The dog is not mine. Warning these pictures are big. Also the previous owner also owned a Prius. I told him about priuschat.com so I hope he visits sometime. Index of /house The house is about 3800 square feet. It does not look like it from the outside but inside its huge. It came with two refrigerators, two stoves, and two washers and dryers. It also came with a 62" 1080p DLP TV and surround sound. It sets on about .9 acre. All this set me back 175k. Other houses in this area for that size would have been 300k+. It was built in 1963 and is in good shape it just needs a few little things here and there. The only thing missing is a garage for my car. I plan on building one as soon as I get my 8k tax credit which I hope is in the next few weeks. Until then my car will have to tough it out in the weather. From the looks of it my new commute is about .2 miles longer but I may get even higher MPGs since I will be traveling more on low speed roads and its less hilly. I am now accepting donations for house payments.
How much did it cost for all those danylion seeds Very Nice. Did you take advantage of the $8,000 Obama handout?
about 3800 square feet came with a 62" 1080p DLP TV and surround sound set on about .9 acre 175k I'm currently shopping for a house. In East Long Beach and Cypress, CA: about 1,400 sq ft does not come with a 62" 1080p HDTV set on about 3,000 sq ft 450k ...it's just not fair. <:0\
Congrats on the house......"the check is in the mail..." he-he.... Seriously, enjoy your home. It is always a gratifying experience to live in something that is truly "yours."...
Thanks everyone! Yes I hope I filled out my updated 1040 right so I can get the credit soon. I hate that the government is handing out money like that but I will gladly take my money back from the government.
The house looks lovely, the pictures were too big to look at them all. In Australia the government hands out grants to homebuyers. I think at the moment you can get up to $25,000. The conditions are that you have to be a first home buyer, you must live in it, not rent it out, and you have to build a new home. You can receive grants if you want to buy an established house but it is not as much. The problem is that the stamp duty you have to pay when you buy a house here is so high, that most of the money just ends up back in the governments pockets.
I think we've identified where we will be holding our first annual PriusChat gathering. And second and third . . . Congrats on the house, Jay. That's awesome.
I think those are clover. Something in the Trifolium genus? dubium perhaps? LOL Very nice house and what am amazing price. In California you could but an old refrigerator box for that kind of cash. Congrats!!
You have a mansion Bra... 3X my sq/ft and looks wonderful. A great price too... but then again, you ain't in Cali... sooooo, you got what you paid for where you want to live BALLER DUDE, and your stuff looks great.
Re: You have a mansion Bra... Hard to beat $46 per square foot! (In Manhattan south of approximately 96th street on the East Side/110th street on the West Side, I believe it's still around $1000 per square foot.) Congrats Jay. The house looks great.
But you're taking it and using it to build a garage - exactly what should be done to stimulate the economy. Bravo! And congrats on a fine house!
How exciting! I can only imagine the luxury of having a house large enough forTWO refrigerators, TWO w/d sets, and TWO stoves! Congratulations!