Face book has a new 'screenname' trick so I can be facebook.com/jimbopalmer, which is fine for individuals. as a musician however, Hope Roth needs 1000 fans before she can have simple link like facebook.com/Hope-Roth. I am asking you to become a fan of Hope Roth so she can get a snazzy URL. Here is the current link. Hope Roth | Facebook Here is some sample music, from her Myspace page Hope Roth on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads :cheer2: I hope you can give Hope a chance at a simple Facebook link! :cheer2:
I have the same problem! please search for capital city craft studio and be my fan! also I'm giving away a very nice necklace- see this blog- J. leigh designz: giveaway scroll down til you see my shop! thanks!