Christmas day 2008: A Happy Holidays to you all !! My Christmas present for you is here. Hopefully you will have seen Star Trek movies II-IV. Not required, but you will not get many of the allusions if you haven't. Am contemplating an annotated interactive Web version for non-Trekkers.
"How to I explain that all my values come from the 23rd century?" I love that line. If you look at it, the values of Star Trek are great values to live by. Equality, tolerance, fairness...Picard is very diplomatic...thinking instead of fighting...always learning....always exploring...always improving yourself. Even on the original series Gene was very progressive in including a black woman, a russian and a chinese officer on the Enterprise. :rockon:
Helmsman Sulu was Japanese. Apparently, the NBC suits disallowed Chinese in the main crew during the original ST run, and some sort of precedent was set.
Recently, I've been making my way through the Next Generation series. I've just started watching the 7th season. So far, there aren't many episodes that I haven't seen before on TV. I'll move on to DS9, after this. I've probably only seen half the DS9 episodes.
I'm also making my way through all the Star Trek series and movies. I have watched all of TOS, TAS, and TNG. I'm currently on season 5 of DS9.
I just returned from working 4 days on the set of the latest episode of Star Trek Phase II. If you do not know about this go to their website and download episode 3, World Enough and Time with George Takei. Star Trek Phase II is a project started by James Cawley who collected stuff and recreated the entire bridge of the original Enterprise no bloody A, B, C, or D, and set up a production company to create new episodes with new actors. The quality is quite high, with guest actors from the original series, professional writers, and a dedicated group of volunteers. I had probably the best Trek experience of my life, and even got a walk on part. Look for Kitumba when it is released in the next year or so. Needless to say, my Prius was well-received.
That sounds awesome! Cant wait to see the episode. I did not know about Phase II. I will have to start watching it.
Okey I'll admit it... I have two uniform versions... ...and a klingon makeup set and costume. Be gentle.
the movie was awesome... I ;eft wanting to see the original series remade with new effects and the new cast! doc willie.... i hate to ask about your parents.... !
wtg Willie!! that is sooo cool to be a part of something you have followed for so long. so did you get any pics? are you famous? can i have your autograph? there are so many things that i experienced as a kid whose importance and impact simply fade over time. i remember things like "Batman" for one that i thought was so cool that now seems ridiculous but it just faded away. but Star Trek has always been something that i still watch occasionally even today (my cellphone has them available thru Vcast videos so i can stream them anytime) and i pretty much have seen every episode of the original series at least 3-4 times (some episodes probably more than a dozen times!) m the movies, most of the spin-offs (there were a few like deep space 9 for one that were simply put out during my TV blackout period so missed those... one of these days, i plan to take a look at them if netflix has them)
Well, we're doing it. I saw some of the special effects shots and they are fantastic. The Enterprise is gorgeous. Every window is CGI'd with a room behind it so there are people walking around, and stuff inside as it goes by. It all hit me after being there a few days. I walked through the computer/editing area and saw them running a bridge scene. Although I had been on the set while they were filming this stuff, seeing it on the screen triggerred an epiphany: "WE ARE F**KING MAKING STAR TREK!!!" I started giggling hysterically. Everyone there understood, 'cause it has happened to them.
I just had my 57th birthday and my sister sent me a First Gen Phaser for my present. I immediately shot the cat with it, but luckily it was on stun. :laser: So I guess I could be considered a Trekker. I still remeber the excitement of watching the series first run, waiting for each show to come on to see what they would do next. By the time the series ended I had seen every episode either first run or summer reruns. And I still watch them today. I was started on sci fi as a baby when my aunt read me to sleep on If, Fantasy and Science Fiction, Worlds of Tomorrow and Analog. Some of the first "grown up" things I read were from those old pulps. Has anyone noticed how much Forbidden Planet is like a Star Trek episode? It was way ahead of its time, and probably had a big effect on the Star Trek production team. What I miss are the cons we had in the '70's. Today's cons are just too slick and commercial. The early cons were amazing. I wish I still had my tribble.
Anybody here check out the New Voyages? Star Trek: Phase II Downloads [ame][/ame]