I went outside my house this afternoon and what did I see? My neighbor was borrowing an 09 silver T3 Prius. Scary.. These things attract each other! How do you control a population of Priuses? Nikki
We don't WANT to control it! We want the Prius to overpopulate and push the existing indiginous cars out of the system. This is one case of non-native species encroachment that's GOOD for the environment!
To tell the truth, before buying one, I never really noticed the Prii before. While waiting for mine while on order, I thought they were taunting me as I saw them everywhere I went! Now that I have one, I have noticed two others within a mile of my house(I live in a rural area). And see them everywhere I go now......... Yes, they are multiplying like rabbits! And I see none on my dealers lot!
That reminds me of the scene in 'Pee Wee's Big adventure' ... when his bike was stolen. Suddenly everyone had a bike that was riding my him. btw ... what's up with UK Prius owners ... do they all back into parking areas? Nothing wrong with it ... but what are the odds. Anyway ... our local government used to just have 2 white Prius. Now look what's happened: See? You really DO have to watch these things. Now don't get me wrong ... I like my white Prius. But if I HAD to see a ton of them multiply ... I'd rather have it be THIS color? Does anyone know what area of the world they delivered this Pearl Sky Blue to. VERY nice. Or is it custiom. Nikki I notice it has the same kind of rims as your PHEV. I haven't seen these here in the States. .
Wow the houses over there DO look like the ones from Harry Potter. I think I want to move there, nice and clean and not excessive like here in America.
Oh yea ... guess I just never noticed ... but the light blue paint? Aint NO one around here with that color.