I use mobile 1 and change oil/filter every 10k miles and do mostly highway driving up and down I5 and 101. I thought about giving this filter a try. What do you guys think? SOMS Technologies microGreen Oil Filter The company claims the microGreen filtration system allows your vehicle to operate up to 30,000 miles without changing the engine oil. http://www.microgreenfilter.com I wonder if a car will ever need it's oil changed onces or twice in a life time.
Wow! 45 bucks for an oil filter, it must be good. I would buy an Amsoil filter and 4qts of 0w30 Signature Series oil for about the same price . Extend oil drain intervals according to vehicle use.
Based on their description, they have designed a bypass oil filter inside the regular full flow filter housing. If it works as advertised (I'm a little skeptical without independent testing) then you probably could extend oil change intervals to 30k, especially since you are running 10k now. If you decide to do this, I would recommend having UOA (used oil analysis) done at 10k intervals to make sure that the oil is still working well for you. This would cost $20 - 25 each time plus makeup oil (~ 8 oz or so for a sample each time). This is how large industrial equipment and large diesel engines are often run; because the volume of oil is so large, it is worthwhile to regularly test it and only replace it when needed.