The brochure lists safety connect as footnote #19 and with the letter P meaning as available as part of a package. What package are we talking about, Navigation and or solar roof in the Prius IV? :mod: If one purchases a Prius IV does that mean that the safety connect come with that trim or does one still have to pay extra for the safety connect aside from the subscription to a service after a 1 year grace period? Many thanks aljaedeker
I believe it just simply isn't available yet. It is probably one of the things rolling out in September or thereabouts.
Safety Connect will not be available until the fall. It is my understanding that it comes with a year of free trial and after that you do have to pay a subscription fee.
thanks for your comment. I know it is rolling out in September of 09 or later the question is if you order a Prius IV or V trim now and get the car before September does it have safety connect automatically physically installed even if not hooked up to work or does one have to have wait for a car that arrives after September 1, 09 that has safety connect installed. Then is there an extra charge for the safety connect if it is installed in the car with or without the subscription taking effect.
No, if you get a car now it does not have safety connect in it at all. And cars bought now cannot have it installed later. If someone must have safety connect, they have to wait until the fall when the cars come with it already installed.
Hi Paradox You are correct and that is covered in the 2010 Prius brochure. The question is what will not be available till the fall, the physically installed system that sits near the dome lights or just the ability of the system to transmit back and forth information between the driver and the command center? Thanks Alj65aedeker
It will be a different circle up near the map lights, black in color with a smaller switch for the map lights mapped to the door lights. Also, there will be an SOS button and different LED's up there for the system. I would assume that since a car bought now cannot be upgraded to it later, everything is not in place for the car to have "the ability of the system to transmit back and forth information between the driver and the command center"
First of all, you do have to wait. Cars now do not have safety connect capability and can't get it installed later. Also, Toyota never specified a date, just sometime this fall. Also, safety connect requires the Navigation system because it uses the GPS that is part of the Nav. It has been said that the Nav price will go up at that time, partially because Ipod connectivity will be also added at that time. Price increase has not been confirmed as of yet.
Here is the official word from Toyota according to my training class today: 1) It will be necessary to have the navi system, but it is not part of the navi package. It is an extra option. Cost is $450. 2) The service will be free for the first year, with different extensions available (1-6 year increments). 3) A 1 year extension will cost $139.99. 4) Verizon will be the carrier for the signal.
Jeff thanks for your information. If there is an extra cost for this why isn't that clearly mentioned in the brochure? Does that also mean that a purchaser of the model IV and V Prius who wants Safety Connect has to specify safey connect and pay for it in their orders now or have their Prius delivered without the safety connect installed? Thanks alj65aedeker
I am assuming that this system works the same way that OnStar does? With similar levels of subscription and services offered?
Sorry I didn't read your thread right. hehe I'm kind of glad that I didn't get it. I have had onstar, and whatever that thing is that comes on a MB. I didn't care for either one. I just hate all this stuff. One day I added up all the subscription fees I pay and it's ridiculous. I know that it is because they have to pay the cell carrier, and the call center has overhead.. but I just don't care for it myself. The world is becoming so crowded that even in rural Illinois, I'm sure there will be someone that sees my accident and calls it in.
I guess that means primarily for accident aid. I wonder if it includes unlocking and possibly remote starting of vehicle in event you have lost your keyfob? Also, remote diagnostics. Not having turn by turn nav is no loss, imo. I tried using OnStar once in a rental car, and it just doesn't work, at least until you find your own way onto a freeway. It's certainly not a substitiute for having a full GPS.
Jeff: Thanks for your input. Several dealers in the NY metro area have told me that the safety connect will only be available in the fall and then only on Prius V models. Alj65aedeker
Automatic Collision Notification, Stolen Vehicle Locator, Emergency Assistance Button (SOS), Roadside Assistance. The first two are pretty self-explanatory. EAB is if you need assistance, you can use Safety Connect to call for emergency personnel (e.g. you didn't bring your cellphone and you saw an injured person and need to call an ambulance). Roadside Assistance.... again if you don't happen to have a phone (or the battery died) or you don't have the roadside assistance number stored on your phone. Use Safety Connect to call for roadside assistance.
The physical feature - equipment - comes with the Nav package on IV & V. The Nav package is part of the Solar Roof package. If you order the Solar package you get the Nav package which includes Safety Connect. The service for the Safety Connect won't be starting until sometime by the end of 2009. First year free, then you will have to pay for a subcription to the service.
I just got my Prius this morning and am not quite sure how the Safety Connect works. Do I have to call somewhere to activate my 1-year trial, or is it automatically activated?