Okay, I know it's summer and probably no one has given this goodie a try yet, but does it heat only the driver's seat or both front seats or...? It's one of those silly gizmos that I've come to love having in winter. I'm so glad it's been added to the Gen III.
There are seperate buttons to turn the heated seats on either the drivers seat, passenger seat or both.
There are buttons for each front seat. Problem is though, they will remain on until you turn them off (or turn off the car). I wish that they had a timer function, because in reality, most of the time, within a few minutes of turning them on, they are no longer needed, as the car is warmed up by then.
I'm hoping they turn off with the car, but I'm not certain they do. I am not familiar with the type of switch being used, so I can't say for certain. It may just be a basic mechanical switch, and in that case it may be on until it is switched off (obviously, with the power off there would be no current, but when the car is powered up again, it is possible the seat warmers once again will be on). The switch is the biggest problem I have with the seat warmers, but it isn't the only one. The buttons are placed so far out of the way I can hardly see using them. I wouldn't be concerned if the switches would turn off after a certain temp or time mark was reached, but they won't. To turn off the seat warmers, you'll need to reach to the back of the area below the center console. Not a great placement! The other "issue" I have with the seat warmers is that they come in only one setting: On/Off. There is no High or Low setting option. Perhaps I'll be singing another tune this winter, but it isn't very promising looking at the moment.
Thanks Paradox for the picture! I'd wondered where the buttons were, people had complained about the location but hadn't been specific about just where it was hidden. Looking at the picture, I'd agree they're poorly placed. However, my butt will be happy to have it on in the winter!
Yup - Thanks for the photo Paradox. It is a pretty basic thingum. I'm spoiled with a multi-setting warmer for the dirver, passenger and there's one in the back seat too. The location is tough - 'specially if you have a pocketbook or anything in that area and it is tough for a passenger to control his own bum temp. All that being said, I'm with you Bica2go - come winter my bum will be happy - and my aching-from-shoveling-back won't complain either!
Maybe we can have them moved aftermarket? I think it is a huge liability! The person in charge of that feature must not have gotten A's in his ergonomics class.
I would appreciate such a move, though I wonder how it would happen. I expect (hope) to see the buttons moved in the 2011.
Good question . . . and answer. It would be hard to imagine dealing with a Gloucester winter without heated seats . . . Personally, I have never had heated seats before, so I am looking forward to that for this next winter.
My wife loves heated seats. She hates them in our RAV4 (07) because they turn off in about 10 minutes and then cool down and then you have to turn them back on. I tested these driving on an hour drive and they stayed on the whole time. She likes to drive when it is cold with the temp down and seat heaters on. Bob.
I'll put my neck on the line. I don't see why the outrage about the placement of the seat heater switches. I have a V. Can see the switch from the driver's seat. It is a bit of a reach, but not like doing situps. I'd guess Toyota interior design engineers had a problem. Didn't want to have the switch on the main console and need a blank for the <4 Models. Couldn't put it on the left of the steering column as the passenger couldn't reach it. So I'd guess it was an "Oh well, this is the best location, but we know the PC folks will rant on us". Not sure how that translates to Japanese.... Now I'm on the hotseat....
I like that once they are on they stay on, instead of turning off after 'X' minutes. The location could have been better for the buttons imo, but they really aren't that bad. In the winter I turn them on and usually wouldnt turn them off again until I am done going where I am going. I don't just turn them on the get the chill out of the seat and then turn them off... I like the steady heat for the duration of the trip while driving in the winter, just me... I am almost certain that if you leave the button on and turn the car off they do turn off. Though if the button is pressed in and the car is in accessory, although not in ready mode, the seats will get hot so beware of that.
I'm with you - I tend to leave them on - they feel sooo good!! Good heads up about leaving them in accessory mode. I'm taking notes on all these things! You should have seen me on the test drive trying to pulse and glide...it was hilarious. I will need a lot of training!!
But most other cars have them located easily in reach, and most have 2-3 heat settings! I've had 3 on all except a Buick I had for a short time.
If the salesperson was in the car with you, he or she was probably wondering if you should buy any car without being subjected to a road (or psychological) test
So jellus! I bought my Prius last year and was used to a hiney-heater in my old car. Definitely more than just a frill in Massachusetts.