not a very helpful post..but im in seattle and haven't had any issues. i had a sirius s50 (portable unit) in my accord. the prius XM only cuts out at the same spots as the s50 did. (narrow roads with tall trees). also the XM works when the car is parked in the garage, the s50 never did. that said, i'd much prefer a sirius unit due to cost. i have to have howard and the XM plans with howard are $$$. if there is anyway to convert the radio to sirus and have it function like the stock XM one id be interested. no wonder the stock is tanking...should be the same pricing packages for both brands of radio....i mean they are supposed to be the same company now...completely mismanaged.
yep, I am. I have a dealer installed XM radio. They moved the little antenna an inch or so more to the center of the car, but it still cuts out on road with trees close by, buildings, etc. Going to have them do something when I take her in for an oil change next month. Baton Rouge is a highly treed community, but this is crazy!! Had an after market Roady in my previous car. Had a little trouble with it, but not like anyone??
I find the reception in the 2010 NAV JBL system to be much better than my sportster models (attached to my old windshield). As I have posted elsewhere, it now works even several stories underground in my Chicago Loop parking garage! That said, I have heard a few 'squelch' like sounds about 1/2 down times over the first 10 days of ownership. Possible issue? Too early for me to tell thus far.
No Trouble with the Sat, However I am having trouble with AM. I have the 07 Prius sitting next to the 2010, getting Am fine, BUT very weak in the 2010. Anyone else??
Sat radio has been shaky for me driving down Route 17. Since I've never had Sat radio before, I can't compare it to anything else. Although, I haven't had any problems with AM/FM radio. Works just fine in NYC. Although, the radio goes dead as soon as I enter my underground garage.
Only time I've dropped out is once in my garage (it was brief), and once coming out of the Deck Park Tunnel (east bound I-10 in downtown Phoenix) as I presumably transitioned between terrestrial repeater and satellite (or lost sight of both).
interesting...i have my 2010 prius on order but my father has a toyota avalon with this problem. he cant drive under trees or the radio cuts out.