URGENT question. Okay, we all know that the Pruius 2010 package 2 does not come with fog lights. You would have to bump up to a package 5..... if i would want to add foglights to my 2010, package 2 by tinkering with wires... would i void my Prius warranty?
It sounds like it should be a simple task. Howwever, it could only void any problem that can be linked to the installation of the fog lights. Considering this vehicle is electrically challenging that could be a problem though to prove you didn't mess up something. I don't know if you could get the Toyota dealership to do it for you, but that would help if there were issues.
I'm not an attorney (so don't take this as legal advice ), but my view is it would not void the warranty entirely. However, if an item failed that was caused by this mod, then you'd probably have an issue. On the other hand, if something in the engine failed, for example, you should be OK.
As above, just as long as you have them properly installed there should be no warranty issues. If you do mess up and it fries something that would be your responsibility. That said, you'd have to wire the 12v fog lamps into the inverter or something to really screw anything up.
When i get my Prius 3 in the Winter time, I am going to install my HID and I was thinking about this issue too. I hope they won't be an nice person about it.