This is the best picture I could find of it in the PriusChat Album. It is that black thingy on the lower back part of the car behind the wheels . . . and it wraps around. It is for aerodynamics. Probably does a little mud flappin’ too, but aerodynamic improvement is its intended purpose. Toyota does not transport the Prius with it attached . . . less chance of damage I guess . . . so the dealers install it as part of their Pre Delivery Service.
Shocking!!! If you give me 10 PriusChat points, I promise not to tell mikepaul that you scratched his pretty blue Prius. But then it was Danny who originally posted the picture. He just might extort a payment out of you too. Seeing that you only have 14 PriusChat points . . . this could be a tough decision on your part. Do you pay me off with 10 and have only four left for Danny . . . who . . . um . . . well . . . . . never mind.