I replaced the oil pan gasket on my Prius, and that fixed my oil leak. Luckily, the leak was coming from the lower pan and not the upper pan. It was a very easy fix. Also, if you look closely at the pictures you can see that the pan was slightly dented. It appears that the pan hit something and became warped enough to allow the leak.
Did you use a aftermarket cut gasket or re-sealed it with Toyota's black RTV or Permatex Ultra Black?
I found no debris in the pan. I actually have 167k now, just need to update my signature. I actually used hi-temp silicone from the local auto parts store. Regards, Dave
Most "gaskets" now are RTV, eg differential covers are usually glued on with that glop, even transmission pans are now. If you're not careful to cut the seal between the pan/cover and the case, you can easily bend/warp the case
Yes, my GF's Toyota truck did not use an oil pan gasket - when I pulled it to do the timing chain I put it back together with Toyota FIPG (form in place gasket) aka Black Silicone adhesive. It works great as long as you clean everything thoroughly before using. If the top of the engine is as clean as the pickup, that engine will run a long time. Are you using dino or syn oil?
I don't think the pan was bent when it was removed. I don't have any evidence that it ever has been removed anyhow. It seems more likely the pan hit something, that explains the bend on the curled edge of the pan as well. I'm using synthetic, but I bought the vehicle with about 162k, so I don't know the history.