I get it now. I completely forgot that you don't have to push anything on the fob. Thank you SO much for explaining it in such detail. I have no experience yet, but I'm sure I'll catch on eventually.
The point of the 3-door sks is that you don't have to settle for the way the rest of the world uses the remote. The 3-door sks completely replaces using the remote the way the rest of the world lives. Normally, it is never necessary to take the fob from your pocket or purse except to change outfits. I never use the fob buttons to lock or unlock the car. The only time I take the fob out of my pocket is to hand it to a valet or service manager; in which case, I turn the sks off.
There is no SKS disable on Gen III. That being said, those of us w/ remote A/C or remote start (PIO) still need to at least reach in for the button.
I guess that means no more accidentally pressing the auto-door open button while carrying things and then finding out that your door has been open for quite a while without knowing it. That's also how I managed to open the rear hatch while the car was in the garage. The hatch door scraped up the garage door like nails on a chalkboard. I am really looking forward to this new (for me) technology.
I have no plans to get a 2010, as I am very happy with my 2009. But I have grown so accustomed to the 3 door SKS on my 2009, I would definitely have to get model IV. Just couldn't go back to a "1 door SKS". Also, it's disappointing that there is no disable switch for the 2010 SKS. I wonder what the rationale was for eliminating the switch? That salesman that assumed that the SKS worked the same on the GIII obviously didn't do his homework, as he didn't know about the 1 door SKS on the model II and III.
Boy, isn't that the truth! Prior to the Prius, I'd never owned a car with any sort of SKS. Now I don't ever again want to own another car without it! Go SKS! :cheer2: I get in my work car, or my wife's (both non-SKS), and I feel that there must be something "broken" with them, as I have to insert a key!
I've never had SKS so the 1 door system on my III is wonderful for me.... But until this thread I didn't know I was missing the system on my other doors... so I didn't understand why the hatch wasn't opening when I was standing there today! DUH! Haha. No big deal though as 99.5% of the time I only go in the driver's door. (I did set the SKS to unlock all doors when I touch the handle.)
Without showing my wife the fob at all, we were standing near the front of the III and she was seeing it for the first time. It was locked, and I asked her to go gently use the driver door handle to open the car. Of course, it did not open. I then said, as I walked over near her, "touch your fingers against my fingerprints, and try to open it again. She did, and was totally amazed when she was able to open the door. "Wow, so cool!", she exclaimed. When I explained about the little bit of oil on the skin is what really leaves pingerprint marks, she was so excited about what she assumed must be a very high-tech fingerprint recognition handle. She could hardly wait to tell her friends at work! Then, I showed her the fob and explained how it worked ... and she laughed about how she had been totally "taken". Later, when she told others about the unlocking, they also thought it was such a way-cool feature, and said that we must have a newer model, because their older Prius did not sense fingerprints at all! Many good chuckles over that one!!!