Where do you fall here? And I'm not (just) talking about the Prius here - I'm also talking about computers, mobile phones, and electronics in general.
Technology is great. I continue to look forward to "what's next". But I wish I had the time and patience to read all the instructions and figure things out. As it stands, I probably use less than 50% of all techno gizmos I own.
Depends what it is. I can want the latest tech in HDTV and Home Theater while prefering last years PC tech and embracing cell phone tech o three years ago. Need to take it on a case by case basis.
Depends on what kind of technology too... My tv is a Samsung 52" LED with networking... last year's model... My puter is a Gateway... 2 yrs old almost... My fav weapon in the safe is almost a century old...
This topic reminds me of the Technology Love Song Napoleon Dynamite sang at Napoleon's wedding: Why do you love me Why do you need me Always and forever We met in a chat room Now our love can fully bloom Sure, the World Wide Web is great But you, you make me 'salvivate' Yes, I love technology But not as much as you, you see But I still love technology Always and forever Our love is like a flock of doves Flying up to heaven above Always and forever Always and forever Yes, our love is truly great Always and forever Why do you need me Why do you love me... Sorry I'm late. I just got done taming a wild honeymoon stallion for you guys. Hey Deb, can you take a photo of me on the horse real quick' Sure. Thanks. I hope you guys's experiences are unforgettable. Lookee lookee, a little keepsake for you guys. Lucky.
I wish I could put a 58 Corvette shell over my existing Prius running gear!!!!!!! Cool car with the best Hybrid system around!
For me, too, it depends. I spent a lot of money to have an electric Porsche: the latest and best in automotive transport. I like gadgets and will sometimes buy the latest best thing. But my cell phone is so old it does NOTHING but make telephone calls, and some gadgets don't interest me, or I pass them by because I really have no need for them. I considered Blu-Ray and decided I didn't need it badly enough to justify the cost, though it would have been a lot less than my Porsche. I am fascinated by technology. I think a Kindle would be great for travel, but I'm waiting for the bigger one to come out. I might buy it as soon as it does.
Despite being a constant computer user, I'm pretty much a luddite. We have one of those old CRT TVs, but no cable, so we only watch DVDs. Santa brought us iPod nanos last year, but I don't own a cellphone, or even wear a watch.
+1. But I don't like to do the de-bugging or post-release development for the manufacturer. I am not into technology for technology's sake, either.
I have been tempted to buy things that I have no use for, just because they are cool. I have always resisted the urge. But that's how technological gadgets affect me. I seriously looked at the iPod Touch, even though my Nokia N800 does everything I need from that kind of device, and does it better. In the end the difficulty of typing on it, and the fact that all I liked about it was the "cool" factor, turned me away from it.
Ah. Yes, I see your point. The survey doesn't really make the distinction between technology and technological products, does it?
That's the whole point of the survey - the ability and desire (or lack thereof) to buy some high-tech wizbang just because it's a really cool high-tech wizbang. I wasn't talking about really cool technology (such as, say, the latest multi-million-dollar toy from NASA or the latest medical breakthrough) that I can't walk into Best Buy (or my Toyota dealer or Apple store, etc.) and purchase.
I think the thread was mis-named. It asks our opinion of technology, but the poll asks about our level of desire for gadgets based on technology.
It's easy enough to confuse the two, since we're so often encouraged to do so. Ads are always touting 'the latest technology', when all they're selling is another cellphone.
Well, I really like technology, but I don't feel the need to own it. I mean, I just don't have room for a gene sequencer, unless I get rid of some of the other indispensible crap I was talked into buying.