I drove my 2010 Prius at night for the first time and I was shocked to see a spotlight shining down from the headliner on to the gear shift knob. It seemed odd to me. Why didn't they just put a light in the gear shift knob?
Placement? In the Gen II, the shifter was back lit, but only when in the default position. It was also difficult to see at times.
It's called ambient lighting. Numerous luxury and entry-luxury cars have them. It just adds ambience to the interior. Granted, this one is only showcasing the beautiful blue shifter =P
Yup, and the buttons for LKA, Radar cruise distance , phone etc below em' are as well. To me, they seem brighter than buttons on the Gen II but it still has to be quite dark in the cabin to ultimately see em'.
I wish that photo was taken at 8mph so I can reverse it easier for right hand drive. I now have it on my desktop background too!
That's it, I just noticed that light tonight. I just got my new 2010 Prius 12 hours ago, I just finished a post on Prius Chat Forums, 1:50 AM my pager went off, an Alarm Call at a nursing home. I am with the Local Vol. Fire Company, Pennsylvania Special Fire Police. I responded with my new Fire Engine Red Prius, Blue LED light strobing on top. I dropped my mpg from 54 mpg to 51.5 mpg in the few miles to the scene, no economy mode on that run. :flame: The Prius with Nav is awesome, map coming up in night mode is very cool and Nav will be a most useful tool in responding to fire calls. The ability to see a route and neighborhood with out having to fumble through a map book while responding is a blessing. Wrapping up after the call I couldn't help but admire that new car, it looks sharp, well lit and visible at night with strobe and 4 ways on. All the displays and instruments are well lit, and I noticed the small spot light down on the gear shift. Very cool Toyota. Not only did I luck out and be one of the first customers to get a 2010 Prius in my area, I know I am the First First Responder in the area to actually be responding on scene with a hybrid. Yes I am having a blast driving this Prius, I don't think I would be happier if I were driving the Fire Truck. This Prius Rocks!:rockon:
nice picture what i now notice and dont like is the green dash and then white speed display. when its al the same color to me this feels more united then what it is right now.
But where the Gen II shifter was mounted, you did not have to see it to have a reasonable probability of just reaching out and grabbing it. As it was one hand width right of the normal steering wheel position of the right hand. Even in daylit conditions, there are instances where that has been invaluable. Like driving around in an industrial park and having a 18 wheeler do a right hand turn quickly around a blind corner right at me. It was instintive just to reach for the shifter, and put it in reverse without even taking my eyes off the front of the 18 wheeler and rear view mirror. Now, for the same functionality, they have to spotlight the gosh-darn thing in the Gen III. Not smart, just poor design and a junky gimick. And while they are busy lighting up stuff, how about a line of LEDs down the knee-knocker edge of the center console. Again, a situation that needs add-ons to accomplish similarity to the old design in functionality. Which is the definition of poor design. Its an anti-elegant interior.
niiice. and I've noticed in Bruno's pic, the SPVS button is also illuminated. Along with the illuminated power window switches, Toyota has finally taken a page out of VW/Audi. Very nice pic!!
:mod: Moderator Alert: This is the defining picture of the Gen 3 night dash! Bruno, your going to wish you had it copyrighted! Lee
Bruno, self timer tripod to get this? I wonder if a slow flash sync long shutter (rear curtain) would look nice as well - get more interior light w/ equal back lighting.
Yes. Tripod, self timer 2 seconds. Would like to capture more of the dashboard. Need more lite. I may try with the flash. I also want to do some day pictures. This is my other car (lease expires in a week):