Yes... Toyota figured out last week how to get hydrogen fuel cells working. They're scrapping their entire hybrid line and switching to this breakthrough technology, that combines methane, tripe and a touch of wintergreen, and produces a fuel cell powerful enough to run an entire Fox reality TV show for a year. (Except the one with Paris Hilton in it -- that'll take three of them.) Something to do with cold fusion, I hear...
Is it bad that I just went "phew I already have mine comming in!"? There is something about these cars, it is like an addiction!
You know, for a minute I actually thought I might be able to sell mine for $100K. (And why isnt that bootyshake on the list of emoticons?)
Hehe, I wonder who else I scared :evil2: For more emoticons, click "View More Emoticons" located to the left of the text box you reply in. Hopefully I'll add some more soon.
Bah, I was hoping for a real published April Fool's article. I don't usually get the newspaper during the week but was thinking of getting one just for the April Fool's articles. Here's one (sorta) from my local newspaper. (Computer game review)