It seems like the bulk of the stock in my area for 2010's come with the "owner rewards package" or the "Vehicle Shield Package" I'm wondering if anyone has any details on these options. I'm particularly curious as to what the "sound shield" portion is in the Vehicle Shield Package.
Sounds like your dealer is pre-installing door edge guards, mud flaps, wheel locks, and possibly Perma-Plate/First Place Finish/Touch of Class and marking it up ridiculously on the addendum. I work at a Honda dealer, I know most of the dirty little tricks in sales and service to pad the balance sheet Toyota has been known to install wheel locks, trunk appliques, cargo nets and first aid kits at the port or yard in certain regions AND on certain packages at no additional cost.
I have a question. A salesman (not my salesman) said that different regions sell cars that are set up differently mechanically. He said that if you are in the north your going to get an excellent heater, and a weaker air conditioner. He also said that if your in our area you get good of both, due to our varying weather. Then he said in the south, such as florida they don't put a very powerful heater in. Is this right at all? Sounds like a bunch of bull to me.
Yeah, your dealer is full of crap. It drives me nuts when salesmen spout off BS just to SOUND like they are knowledgable about a car. I schooled the salesmen when I bought my mustang.
what I meant about the packages is, what do they consist of? What kind of improvements do you get from each? I'm going to have to pick from one or the other.
Yeah, I was pretty much dumbfounded when he was saying that. When my friend and I got back in the car, we talked about what bull crap it was. HAHA Luckily, he's not MY salesman.