I was hoping that some of the great folks on this wonderful site could help me out by giving me some suggestions and advice on how to best acquire the Prius I am seeking. I am looking to buy a Prius 2010 Model 4 w/ a sunroof package and there are 4 color packages I'd be happy with. I live in central Maryland, between Baltimore and Washington. I would like to take delivery anytime between now and late August, but could wait another month if necessary. I am not trading a car in (will be giving my wife's car to my oldest daughter), and I am willing (heck, happy) to make a deal in the next few days. Of course I'd like to buy the car as cheap as possible, but fully do understand the current supply and demand issues in the area, especially with the sunroof option. But, I will not pay more than MSRP. I am seeking advice on how to best buy this vehicle. Several dealers have indicated I could put down a refundable deposit, and when they get their next allocation they will try match my needs with their allotment. My concerns with this approach are: (1) there is no guarantee that their next allotment will have what I am seeking; and, (2) I only want the sunroof package (which includes the navigation package) and floor mats... period. I don't want these silly appearance packages, and remote starters, and security systems that they like to add on to jack up the price an extra $1500 or $2000. If you get a car off of the dealer's next allotment, will they still soup it up with extras you don't want? Are these add-ons done at the factory, or at the port or dealership, which would make it possible to avoid the extra add-ons? Also, since the deposits are refundable, and there are several dealers in the area, is it worth getting on the wait lists at more than one dealer? The other option seems to be to order one to be built and hope they actually deliver it in 12 or so weeks. The one dealer I discussed this option with indicated that it would require a non-refundable deposit, but I don't know if that is standard with other dealers. The major upside with this approach is that I will get just the accessories I want, and nothing more. I know that some will say to just wait until there are cars equipped the way I want just sitting on the lot, but I really doubt a Model 4 with a sunroof will be on a lot in this region in the next few months. So, any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. If you you have a particular dealer and/or salesperson that you recommend that would be great. If you are a local salesperson and want to cut me a great deal, please let me know! BTW, we currently own a 2005 blue Prius which we love, and will be keeping it in order to become a 2 Prii family. Again, any suggestions and help would greatly be appreciated. THANK YOU!
you're overthinking the situation a bit - just get on the waitlist. since the deposits are refundable, make an agreement with the dealership upfront about what you will and won't pay for when the car comes in. if anything doesn't work out, cancel the deposit and get your money back.
That's what I would do. I've been working with Jeff at Darcars (Frederick). I think they are getting a Red IV SR next week, which I could have if it had Safety Connect (not available until the Fall). Good luck
i don't believe, from what i read here, that you can ever "order" or "spec" a car from the factory. You can "preference" by pre-order (refundable). You tell a dealer (or six) exactly what you want, give them $500 refundable, and they inject your parameters into the regional system in order of the list at that dealership. If the car is still on the ship you might not get the port crap added on (depending on the region is what i gather here). Koons Tysons is getting 37 cars this month - NOT ONE WITH SR or a V. Plenty of IVs with nav. I am on their list for a IV SR in four colors (like you). I have no idea when my preference will be filled. good luck.
Hey, you might want to check out Antwerpen Toyota in Clarksville, MD. Not the most professional group, but I've taken them up on their internet offer of $300 over invoice. They require the usual $500 down, but I don't think the deposit is refundable. If you give them a call, ask for Andre Edwards, their Internet Sales Dir. -Puff
They are all claiming that it is extremely difficult to get a solar rooof because Toyota is only allowed to build a limited number. See my thread http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii.../63391-whats-real-story-solar-roofs-lack.html So, if that's what you want, you'll probably have to put down a deposit and get on their waiting list. Make sure your deposit is refundable. Also make sure you know exactly what they're charging. In Virginia, the dealer processing fee can be up to $399 or something! But Koons says it gives $500 under MSRP. In Maryland, I don't think you ever pay more than $99.
Thanks for the advice everyone! Is there any advantage to placing a refundable deposit with more than one dealer and going with the one who can meet my needs first? Thanks!
Hi AftoPuff, I live real clse to Atwerpen and was going to head there tomorrow. I cannot find any reference to their $300 over invoice offer. Can you point me in the right direction (i.e., a link or something)? Do they honor that for the Prius? Thanks!
there was a thread like this several weeks ago claiming antwerpen was doing the same thing. I called them up and they denied knowledge of it. they didn't even, back then, know much about when and how many they would be allotted.
Mr. Scott, the offer was part of a Memorial Sale email (5/22) sent by Andre Edwards to everyone on the Antwerpen mailing list. The place is a bit dysfunctional where the sales guys don't seem that knowledgeable or responsible, but that's why I suggested you deal with management (Andre). If they're smart, they'll continue to honor the offer, but no guarantees. Also, I don't believe they expect their first shipment to arrive until the end of the month.
please keep us posted - i will be verrrrry surprised if they sell you a prius at invioce plus $300. sounds more like a marketing screw up for a holiday flier, and the prius should not have been included
That is what I did, place a refundable $500 deposit with six dealerships in my area. Each dealerships were getting only a limit amount of 2010 Prius. I knew from talking with each dealer that they were all getting a limit number of 2010 Prius V, several with the Adv. Tech package. A pre-order customer from the 6th dealer cancel his order on a 2010 Prius V w/Adv. Tech package. The sales manager offer it to me, and I accept his offer. I am now the proud owner of a 2010 Prius V w/Adv. Tech package in Classic Silver Met./Misty Gray interior.
Thankfully someone responded to my question regarding placing refundable deposits with multiple dealers. It sounded like it worked out great for you LaMesaGuy. What do other people think: Is this an okay practice. It my location there are many, many dealers--central MD, Baltimore, and DC area to play with. Should I put down deposits with multiple dealers? Thanks everyone!
I did stop by there, spoke to the person Puff mentioned and one other... That was a limited time event. I didn't have a copy of their e-mail, but they said it applied to the the 09's (in many models, not just Prii) and was before taking orders on 10's. It sounded like it was on of many incentives where they they were trying to clear 09 models since many 10's were coming in then, but I am not sure. If I could buy a Prius from them for $300 over invoice I'd likely buy 6 six and resell 5 for a nice profit!
Puff, Fred and Others familiar w/ Antwerpen: Any hesitations with working with this dealer? Let's just say they didn't use to have the best reputation in the region, but that goes back several years. I haven't dealt with them recently and didn't know of they were a bit more Kosher now. Thanks!
my experience was with Bill (i think it was Bill). I called about the $300 over invoice (around the 20th of May or so), he said no not on the 2010, and asked me if i wanted to be on his list. I said yes, and he sent one or two mass emails on status of the prius's. I enjoyed my phone call with him and appreciated the follow up, so i can offer a limited perspective positive endorsement of bill at antwerpen.
the refundable deposits i have placed are all charged to my credit card, so I have to pay them in the next billing cycle or pay interest. Then when you cancel, i assume it will take a few days for the credit to process. If you can do that, the more the merrier i say, because you will have multiple dealers making inputs into the preference system and you have an increased chance of getting your car sooner, especially if its a IV with solar nav or a V with ATP, and more so if its an rarer color. I see a lot of talk on PC about the grey/silver cars, so i assume that/those are the most prevalent colors. If you can find a dealer who has an actual car to your specs inbound, then only one would be neded. Abel at Koons Tysons Corner is still taking $500 deposits and promising $500 off msrp. 2 issues: ONE - i don't know if they are loaded with options, and TWO - their first 37 cars (June - its a big dealership) are inbound/already delivered and not one is solar and none or very few were Vs. Hopefully in July. I don't see any ethical issues with multiple deposits, as I am confident the cars will sell and the dealers won't be harmed. Especially since most of us are paying MSRP or close to it.
Mr. Scott, sorry to hear about your experience at Antwerpen, but to answer your question, if I didn't receive the $300 over invoice offer, I probably wouldn't deal with the dealership. When deciding on a dealership I suggest looking at the service depts. Check service rates and loaner policies, for instance, some dealerships only offer a (quality) loaner if you purchased the vehicle from them. Once you buy the car you'll probably never deal with the sales staff again as this forum will likely become your best resource for advice and information. Good luck. -Puff
Hi Scott, had that package coming, but has been taken.. we have more due to us. Call or e-mail me [email protected] 410-822-8000 ext 1513.. would be happy to help you.. stefcat or steff