I found 2 rubber plugs in a plastic bag in the glove compartment that says " TO PRE-DELIVERY INSPECTOR: INSERT THESE RUBBER PLUGS INTO THE HOLES OF THE CENTER FLOOR SIDE MEMBER EXTENSIONS" I looked on the internet and I found similar questions with different answers. Should I worry about it?
I remember some plugs had to go under my 07. That were for shipping the car. The shipping company removed them and did not put them back. This may be what you are talking about.
They keep the electricity from leaking out. Without them electricity will be making puddles all over your driveway, running into the street, etc. A very dangerous situation - you DO NOT want to step into a puddle of electricity! They're rubber so as not to be electrically-conductive. Or, more likely, they plug holes that held hooks for the shipping containers.
My Japanese built TCH had them. I think they are just used to seal the member after some shipping ties are removed. I'd save them and have them insatlled on your first service.
The thought of inserting the plug into the hole of the member may be too painful for some guys. When the CIA did this it was called torture.
There are rubber plugs? I figured they were water tight straight from the box. Isn't that the point of wearing one?
I found some big screw eyes in the glove compartment of a new Prius at my dealer. I suppose the screw eyes were used to tie the car to the ship, and the plugs should be used to put into the remaining holes after the screw eyes have been removed. Anyway the plugs will prevent water from getting into places where it shouldn't go.
I saw the same plugs in my new car's glove compartment, along with the antenna when my dealer and I went to his remote lot to pick the car up. But after the PDI, the plugs were gone, so I assume the mechanic inserted them in the proper place when he prepared the car. Your dealer should have installed those plugs for you before you drove the car home. Looks like they were incompetent or didn't read the PDI procedure manual. You should definitely bring the plugs back and demand your dealer's mechanic to do a full PDI again and make sure they didn't miss anything else that is more safety related.
I think those screw eyes might be used for towing the car on a tilt bed truck. Check your manual. I don't get mine until Monday.
Rubber Plugs My service manager (who I trust) said they're body drain hole plugs that should be installed if you live where road salt is likely to get in and corrode. In South Florida, that's not a problem so they leave them off. He would install them for me if I intended to drive north in the winter, which is NOT going to happen, so in the box they go with the front license frame bracket (Oh! the plugs and license frame bracket from my 06 Prius are there too).