So I keep reading about people being able to track their Prius as it's on a ship and coming to port somewhere. What information do I need to get from my dealer in order to track it? What website should I use? I preordered my wife's prius this past Sunday. My sales guy said their first shipment of about 10 cars should be coming June 24th or first week of July. However, I found out they already received a couple Prius's. So obviously the dealer really can't track it for me so I want to do it myself. Thanks for the assistance!
I went to my dealer and got a printout of the order, which included the ship name and delivery date. From there I was able to track the ship until it got to port. If they have already received a shipment they should have some information about your order. Good luck.
I went to and looked up & down the east coast until i found a group of ships. I then used the dropdown down to see if "my" ship name was listed (it only listed the ones that are currently on the screen). If it was listed, i zoomed in to find that specific one. If not, i went further up the coast to look for more ships. By process of elimination i was able to find it in a few minutes. The night it docked i watched it on and off for several hours. How pathetic is that??
No more pathetic than when I was waiting for a UPS package and kept going to their tracking site every few minutes as if that would give it a push. (It was wine from Oregon; worth waiting for.)
We've all been there man! Nothing unusual at all. Anticipation can be exhilarating . . . why not enjoy the experience? I have no tracking information at all, yet I find myself often checking into Priuschat to live vicariously through other people's experiences! I think looking forward to things is good. I don't think I have ever looked forward to a vehicle purchase more than this one. Anyway, I hope you get your vehicle soon!