It took awhile, but we finally have a due date here in the middle of the country. Liberty Toyota in Colorado Springs just called to say their first shipment will be here "about" June 16. The best news is that my car is on it, exactly what I wanted! Winter Gray Metallic Type II, with carpeted floor mats, bumper applique, and nothing else. $100 under MSRP. I'm not completely sure what region we're in, but I think my car is coming thru Portland.
Guess what, they already have at least one. My wife and I are going to take a test drive this afternoon. They are apparantly keeping one as a demo. The salesman said they have over 100 miles on it already. Thanks for the info on your deal. Maybe I can beat it.
Well we did drive it. Barcelona Red/Bisque IV with Solar/nav. So many things to pay attention to. In general, I liked the quiet, luxurious feel but agree with others that a little more road feel in the steering would be nice. Bottom line, I have decided to buy a Prius but need to decide on trim level, timing of the buy, etc. I don't need a new car until October. I am assuming that your $100 below invoice is before their added $399 dealer fee. At least they are honest in posting this fee and identifying it as additional profit. Roy
No, it was $499 below MSRP before the dealer fee, so $100 below MSRP after. The dealer fee is a completely imaginary number so I only paid attention to the price after. I'm not really sure why they post a sign like that. Glad you were favorably impressed with the car. I might make a run down there this weekend to try it out.
Oops I misspoke. Just looked at the paperwork and it's $500 under MSRP, so the final number is $101 under. The $399 is then stated after that, with sales tax so it totals $428.53. But as I said, the number $399 doesn't really mean anything as long as you take it into account when comparing prices with other dealers. They could even quote prices in Yen and it would be fine as long as you take it into account. I suspect that after Consumer Reports and others started getting people thinking about invoice cost as a benchmark, maybe dealers started adding these mandatory fees to try to hold the line against people coming in to demand invoice, but without shopping around. But fees like this aren't really extra profit, just extra revenue. Profit still depends on having enough volume to cover your overhead, and higher prices reduce volume. At least, that's how I would look at it if I were a car dealer.
I'll try to drop by Stevenson in Aurora, CO tomorrow (Saturday) to pick up engine and cabin air filters and see if they have any 2010's and how they are pricing them.
I would agree that extra revenue is the most accurate description. I also agree that it is simply part of the total out the door price. Seem's like you got a good deal as an early adopter. Roy
I was the second one to put a deposit on one at Burt Toyota in Denver a year ago. They just got their Demo in today. Mine is coming in June 22. MSRP and 399 handing fee.:rockon:
Hi folks, I am also in Colorado Springs, and have a II on order. I too have been informed that my naked II will be here in mid-June. I worked with Jeff. Jeff has been great to work with. I will point out that Liberty is a bit aggressive in the "finance officer" arena, looking to sell extras. And the Barcelona Red/Bisque that they have locked up? Lucky you if you drove it! Enjoy!
The red one is definitely available as a demo. Lots of people taking test drives. You will have your car before I figure out exactly what & how I am going to order. So, you enjoy as well.
Thank you for the heads-up on the finance guy, I'll watch out for him. My salesperson is Jen, the internet manager. So far this has been an easy and straight-forward transaction. But because of all the great info on Prius Chat, I haven't been relying on the salesperson much for information. I would love it if I could order a car online the way I order a computer from Dell. Makes me wonder how much of a future the car dealer business model really has. As car dealers go Liberty seems pretty decent so far.
I spoke with Stevinson early on. I found the salesperson to be evasive and not honest in his answers to my questions. I guess he was trying to convince me that it's impossible to buy a Toyota for under $3-5k over MSRP, and he had a really elaborate story to tell. I couldn't convince him that I don't have time for all that c**p. I actually talked with several salespeople like that at Denver-area dealers and wondered how they stay in business treating their customers like that. I ended up buying for under MSRP in the Springs.
Boulder Toyota just got their first one yesterday, a Beige Prius V, already reserved. Mine should be arriving early July. By the way, their web page's new inventory section doesn't currently represent their available stock, nor what's incoming and available to reserve.
Burt Toyota has been great and sold 15 the first three days they had the Demo I pick mine up next week
Thanks for the warning. I generally just buy parts there, and am not necessarily in the market for a 2010 (still enjoying my 2006). I could, however, be persuaded to trade the wife's Impala for a leftover 2009 if the price were great
I purchased a 2010 at Boulder Toyota on Tuesday. No one had it on order and it was exactly what I wanted. It is an awesome car! They got 3 - one was pre-orded the other two did not have orders on it.
Of all the dealers I called and didn't buy from, the Stevinson guy is the only one who has followed up, and he has called repeatedly. He has one demo car, as all the dealers apparently do, and he is eager to sell it to someone. No takers, apparently.