boy! do i hate posting this. i cant believe ive come to this conclusion: the beeps are our friends.having left my car on for over 4 hours and not even knowing it. now when i get out of my car i listen for the beep. if i lock it and get one beep, im safe.having almost watched smiley go down the road by itself.when i open the door and the beep is screaming red triangles flashing like some wild nuclear accident i now clamly , yet cursing in the best navy trditionput the car in park (blanking idiot) as ive stopped temporaly backing up. ive forgotten that im not in park. however the gentle beeping (similar to an 18 wheeler backing over parked cars with glee) brings me right around. boy! and this is from a guy whose greatest driving thrill is the perfect heel and toe double clutch downshift at the perfect revs in a screaming red z car as i slide thru the corner making adoring bystanders eyes wide with glee, appreciation and jealousy...... wait a minute where the hell am i?ok, whew oooooohhhh the memories. and now... controled by beeps!!!! what is the world coming too :wink: :wink:
Toyota was pretty smart with all the beeping stuff. If we are really honest, in other vehicles we are so used to the position of shift levers and the angle of the key in the ignition that most of the sensary rules we have established for operating a vehicle have all been broken. Since the shift lever moves back to a home position like a joystick and there is no discrete park position on the shift lever we have to be assisted with displays beeps and lights. I, for one, I have not turned off my reverse beep and will not be considering it. It is a reasonable reminder of what drive mode your vehicle is in and as such is a benefit to me, who would usually use hand on a shift lever to determine what gear I was in. The other beeps, such as locking and unlocking the car, and the beep sequence when you step out of the vehicle with it in Ready mode and the smart key in your pocket are all helpful. I certainly do not mind being reminded by my vehicle that I'm doing something questionable.
but seriosly folks,you are exactly right thru the years we know the gear lever positon plu 2witha clutch pedal you have "intant" feed back. good comment. thanks
And if your 04 Black “Smiley†has VSC, you can forget about sliding through the corners too. :wink: The adoring bystanders now appreciate low emissions, the quiet of stealth mode, and most are jealous of the fuel economy your Prius provided while performing basically the same maneuver of driving around a corner.
Yes, love those beeps..... We recently rented a Chevy Maxx and were dismayed over the obnoxious beeps it uses. No discrete reminders, but raucous horn announcments when ever we locked the car or unlocked it. One could not ever quietly lock the car out side an apartment with out announcing to the entire neighborhood that "Hey, we are locking our car!". One hears that incessant reminder in parking lots all the time "Hey I'm locking my car everyone. Listen up now!" It was so nice to return to the Prius and its quiet reminder that it was locking up for me. The Maxx did return around 30MPG which pleasantly surprised us: Yes gas in the Seattle area was $2.59 a gallon and more. Back in Minnesota it's now under $2.00
Once when leaving the movie theatre I activated the read button on my fob to locate my car. I only let it beep twice, but then someone else activated their 'find' button. I pushed mine again, then someone else joined in, and for about a minute there were about 8 or 9 cars beeping back and forth in a spontaneous parking lot symphony. It was hilarious and put me in a good mood for the rest of the day.