I might have missed it, but I don't remember anybody saying they have bought a black 2010. I know there were people considering it. If you have one, how do you like it? Gen II black Prius owners: how does the paint hold up? I had heard that it has a light/white undercoat so that scratches really show up. Also, have you been able to prevent the black from fading?
I have a black 2006. The paint has held up as well as any Prius paint. The paint on the Prius tends to be a bit soft. Black shows scratches and swirl marks, but I am happy with my black Prius and am planning to get black next time around. No noticeable fade so far. Tom
I'm expecting to have one by the weekend. Black V w/ misty grey interior. I'll post pics when I have 'em.
I have a 2010 IV in Kansas City that is supposed to arrive on 6/17, not a previous Prius owner (though I would have gotten black if I had) as I've always owned black cars.
I picked up my black 2010 II a week ago in Charlotte...beautiful and I love it. I have gotten a lot of compliments on how sharp it looks.
As promised. Focus is a bit soft (iPhone cameras don't like cloudy days), but you can see it's a beauty! Thanks to our own DianneWhitmire for making me the first kid on his block to have a Gen III.
Hot car! Thanks for the pic. I was hoping to get a black 2010 as well but it's looking like my dealer isn't going to be able to get one anytime soon, so it looks like I'll have to settle for a lesser colour!
You black owners may want to check out the chrome trim pieces available for the Gen 3 ... if I would've bought Black, they would've been must haves!
I just have a thing for black cars (this will be my 5th), but I do realize black is not necessarily the most flattering color from a design standpoint as it conceals the lines of a car. I think the new Prius, especially in the V configuration, looks amazing in silver or white for this reason. But black is just so badass. :rockon:
Thanks for the pic. You're probably right that white and silver highlight the car's lines better than black (especially the new blizzard pearl). But black is badass, as you say, and always looks so good when it's clean and polished. Unfortunately, it doesn't look too great when it gets dirty. I've had two black cars, one dark chocolate brown (a beautiful Mercedes 280 which was unfortunately a lemon but didn't cost me too much because I bought it used and sold it a while later for about the same price), one dark grey, one pearl white, and silver. For the 2010, I'm all over the map concerning the color, which is one reason I really am anxious to see each one in person. I'm considering the black, blizzard pearl, winter grey, and blue ribbon. The only ones I'm eliminating are the sandy beach, silver, and red. With the black, I'm more worried about scratches showing up too easily than about keeping it clean. I'm also concerned about the fade factor. I've seen many black cars that look faded and that isn't attractive. Could just be that they needed a good cleaning and polishing.
I agree with you about the design lines as well ... it's kind of why I went with Blizzard, but it was hard to diverge from Black since my last 4-5 cars were black. I do kind of miss it But the Blizzard looks so good imho!