I seem to be having a problem with the cruise control. I have the cruise control on (speedometer light is on) and set (Set light is on). I then hit the brakes to slow down or stop (the speedometer light stays on and the Set light goes out). So far so good. The next time I try to either Set the cruise control or Resume, the cruise control does not kick in (the Set light does not come on). Am I missing something or is there a problem? If I turn the car off and restart it the CC to work again. The manual does say (p.216) "If the cruise control speed cannot be set or if the cruise control cancels immediately after being activated, there may be a malfunction in the cruise control system. Contact your Toyota dealer, and have your Toyota inspected". Given the manual explicitly addresses the situation I am seeing I am guessing this is a real problem. (and perhaps a common one) Also, the problem is sporadic in that I could go a trip and have the CC work fine (resuming and setting without any problem) Any thoughts? Anyone else have this problem? Thanks, Brian
Sounds abnormal to me. I've been able to resume from a full stop (something Gen II couldn't do) after cancelling w/ the brake pedal. I assume you're pushing down to set or pushing up to resume.
I am pushing down to set and up to resume. It is interesting you can Resume from a full stop. The manual says (p 220) "Resuming is available when the vehicle speed is more than approximately 25 MPH." I guess I will be bringing it in. I love to bring in cars with intermittant problems . Brian
I have the same problem but resolved it by turning off the cc when not using it for more than 10mins. (as long as it has not malfunctioned while on by doing this seems to alleviate this issue) I found that it would cease to function as you describe after having it on for a while, 10+mins and not activated causes the problem. Very strange? Nat
HTML Spinner, I just re-read your post. Did I misinterpret? After a stop can you Resume again once you are going 25 MPH again or can you resume from a stop. (The latter is how I first interpreted it, but that was late at night). Thanks, Brian
Hello Rick: As I reported in a different thread, the 2009 GIIs can resume after a full stop, assuming that you first accelerate with the go pedal to above 25 mph. I don't know what the year was when this capability was added to the GII.
Sorry guys, in the G II (2004 at least), once your speed drops below 28mph, the CC would "forget" your preset speed. In the GIII, once you've exceeded ~25mph, you can resume your former speed - i.e. it's not forgotten if you stop at a signal.
I had a 1986 BMW 318 and if you used the brakes three times when the cruise control is set, you could not restart cruise unless you turned the car off. It was in the owners manual that using the brakes three times while using cruise control would mean that the driving conditions were unsafe to use cruise control. You could use the cruise control cancel button as many times as you wanted. Maybe the new Prius has this feature?
Only time I truly had a cruise problem is when they had a service campaign on the early Gen II w/ a faulty brake light switch. Problem never happened until I received word of the SC, and then happened twice. Switch wouldn't go off at the right time, and cruise light would flash and disable itself. I kinda doubt this is what's happening in your scenario though, but would be interesting to learn the root cause of this.
I'll check it out. If it is true, then I am not sure I like the Prius passing judgment on my driving ability. That's what a wife is for.
I own a 2008 Prius and noticed that the same problem started occurring a few months ago. I wasn't sure if the car was supposed to "remember" the cruise speed if it dropped below 25mph so did nothing about it. Then I purchased a second Prius (2009) and noticed that this Prius DID remember the speed. We took the 2008 to the Dealer and they say it's not a problem. Per the technical bulletin the cruise will be "cancelled" if you go under 25mph or drop more than 10mph from the set speed. This is very frustrating since "cancel" doesn't mean forget your speed. We are meeting with a Regonial Manager on June 19th.
Here we go again with cruise control function! The 2004-2008 Prius CC will "forget" the set speed when you get below about 25 MPH. This is an intentional safety feature. Just press the lever down to reset it. The 2009 CC is a different model and will remember the speed and will "resume" once you get above about 25 MPH. I can't speak to the 2010 (yet), as according to Toyota Canada it doesn't even exist! What I -CAN- say is a 1990 4Runner I owned would "loose" the CC setting if you braked with it on. This was an intentional "safety feature". If you shut it off manually (pull up on lever) -then- braked, it would retain the setting. Try that. As I recall, that system also remembered the setting even if you stopped, and would resume correctly once you exceeded about 55 km/hr (just over 30 MPH).
That confirms my experience with my 2009 and a rental 2009 that I recently drove: the G2 2009s do remember the previous cruise speed. Obviously someone at Toyota recognized that this behavior was the proper way for the cruise to work, and made a change to fix the previous weird behavior, starting with model year 2009.
This sounds like what happened to the cruise control in my 1991 Subaru Legacy several years ago, as it was on its way to not functioning altogether. I suspect it's a real problem and you want it fixed. Bummer. Ken
OK, I'll fess up. I traced the problem back to a UE (User Error). When I first got the car I must have been playing around with the shifter and had the car in B mode every so often (and never put it back to D). Apparently CC won't work in B mode. I even took a picture of the display when I had the problem (to show the dealer). I recently looked at the picture and it clearly shows the shifter in B. Brian
Good find! Yea, we lost the ability to use cruise in B mode to hold downhill speed w/ the Gen II, however now w/ Gen III, Cruise will hold speed within reason going down hill even while in "D" mode. That being said, cruise shouldn't be used coming down curvy mountain roads
I have a new twist on the CC problem. I have a 2010 Prius V with the Dynamic Radar Cruise Control, which seems to work OK. The problem I am experiencing is when you raise the CC lever to speed up or move it down to slow down: When you release the CC lever, the vehicle continues to accelerate into ticket territory or slow down to the point the car behind you is about to kiss your rear bumper and wonder what the hell you're doing. A quick press downwards to set the speed has no effect. Prius keeps slowing down or speeding up. The '06 we had did not do this and the 2010 Prius II did not do this. This could cause a real problem.
Note that the ACC/RES and SET/DEC features work differently in CC and DRCC mode. If you use it in CC mode, I'm sure you'll see that it works the same way as your 2006 model. In DRCC mode, pressing up (ACC/RES) would increase it by 1mph. If you hold it, it will increase by increments of FIVE so maybe that's why you're wondering why it's still accelerating into ticket territory. You're holding ACC/RES up like you normally do on your 2006 but instead of 1mph increments, it's going by 5mph increments. I find this easy to set your speed because it rounds to the nearest 5 or 0 mph first and then increase by 5mph. Refer to the MID on your dashboard to see the speed that your DRCC is set (it should be to the right of the car and the radar bars). Hope this helps! P.S. You want the "Adv. Technology" instead. That's the US' nomenclature. The Technology Package (Canada) is the Canadian name for our package.