2008 Toyota Prius, it's a lease so no holes allowed... Here's the what we started with. I custom fabbed this bracket, it's made with 1x1 .090 wall square tube and some 3/16 flat stock. it is held down with 2 #12 bolts that normally also hold the centre console in place -- very sturdy. and here's where we ended up... Drawers in the back under a cargo cover in hidden box. Up front.... Still a LITTLE bit of clean up to do.. but it's pretty much there.. Full gallery at this link... Prius Radio Install - a set on Flickr
Very Nice! I'm just using the lighter plug and a mag mount; the V/U rig is just loose on the back seat on styrofoam. I don't adjust my radio while driving. I've read on here that HF rigs don't work well in the Prius - is that so? It sure seems that you don't have any problem with QRM? Guy 73's KC2PMM
Power is coming direct from the on board Gel Cel in the rear. TX'ing with both at the same time would probably be a bad idea from a power draw perspective --- but the way I see it -- if the electrical system of the car can't support 8A of extra draw, then the car is running too close to the threashold you know? No HF -- Top radio is a VHF 136-174 Motorola Astro Spectra W4 bottom is a UHF 430-470 Motorola Astro Spectra W4 I havn't done much driving yet -- but I can tell you that Motorola's are VERY Selective when it comes to RF, and they are used in vehicles that have lots of RF noise.
It's been a few months since I completed this install. Everything is working swimmingly. The antenna's leave a bit to be desired that's for sure - they are unity gain at best, but considering 90% of my operation is urban repeaters with occasional simplex it seems to work just fine. I use the top radio to monitor a few public safety systems and it does a swell job at that. So far no problems - as for power draw - not a problem. Zero RF noises, however like I previously stated, the Motorola's are probably the most selective radios manufactured, I have never picked up any RF noise.
Here are a few photos of my Amateur Radio install in 2008 Prius: Kenwood TM-D710 display/controller in front: And main part of machinery is neatly hidden in boot area: To prevent discharge of 12 V battery, PowerWerx's APO3 is being used: Little magnet dual band antenna and GPS receiver on the top of the car: Separation cables are running on both sides of the car. On the left side I installed head/display separation cable and GPS cable, and on the right microphone and speaker separation cable is running. Everything neatly hidden. Hardest part was drilling few holes into plastics for Kenwood's speaker install as supplied Kenwood's self tapping screws miss the self tapping part of tapping. 73 de S56OA - Ogo
Very nice guys!! I want to mount an IC-706 but have yet to figure out the antenna issue. My main interest is 10 meters but may stick a VHF/UHF on as well.
Justin(grinthock) I was wondering if you could share the measurements with us so that I may make a similiar mount like yours. I would really appreciate it.
Grinthock, How did you manage to connect the antena on the roof to inside? I am assming that you did not cut anything... Don't you get rain inside? I am thinking about putting my gps receiver on the roof too. thanks in advance...
Awhile since I was on here, and a few have some questions first: Antenna... I am using 2 Glass Mount antenna's on the rear quarter windows - my intention however, is to go with a mount that re-utilizes the rear hatch gas shock bolts... Second... Regarding dimensions... I am sorry I did not measure it when I built it - I could - but I would have to remove the centre console, and get in there, and I would rather not rip the radio heads off, remove the console, because it's all in there rather tight and proper... However maybe pics at this link will help you.. http://www.flickr.com/photos/grinthock/sets/72157607028753613/
Well they are all very nice installs. I run the Yeasu FT-8800 with a Diamond K-400 Lip Mount with a Diamond NR-770HB.Antenna. I stuck the control head above the mirror using a Blend Mount kit.