I am new to the forums. I just got my new silver 2010 Prius II tonight. When I picked up the car there was a yellow card explaining the smart key functions. According the card one should be able to lock or unlock the car by touching the handle sensor(s) (refer to attachment). Is this standard on all cars or is this an option?
Standard feature for driver's door. Passenger and rear hatch is available only for Prius IV I believe.
Interesting. For some reason it is not working for me. When I try to lock the car touching the driver's door handle I hear a high pitch sound for a few seconds and nothing happens. When I try to unlock it via the sensor on the back of the handle nothing happens either.
I don't have a Gen3, but isn't that backwards? I think touching the sensor area on the handle locks it, and touching anywhere else on the handle unlocks it. Of course it will not lock if the car is not off or a key is in the vehicle.
Check to make sure you do not have the other fob in the car. If a fob is in the car then you cannot lock using the sensor in the door handle. As another poster added, also check to make sure all the doors and the hatch are closed. If the fob is in the car or a door is open the car emits a high pitched noise to warn you when you touch the outside sensor. Jerry
The high pitched sound is indicating that a SK is left in the vehicle, or that the car is in "Ready" mode. Both seem to do this for me, unless key is out of car, and the car is "Off". I have a Prius V with the 3 door SKS. I love the SKS system!
Thanks Jerry! That was the problem. I forgot to remove the other fob from the car. Thank you everyone for the input.
I had meant to mention this same issue with regards to rental Priuses, also. A couple of weeks ago I rented an '09 Prius. I noticed that it had the SKS, and checked to be certain that it was activated. Everything worked well except that I could not use the SKS to lock the car (getting the one "long" beep indicating something was not right). So I began hunting around. I found the extra fob in the lower glove box, in the bottom of the rear "documentation" section. Once I took it out of the car, then the SKS worked normally.
When I first got my 2006 Prius, I found myself frequently saying "Now whet the hell is wrong with this car?" as it beeped at me, only to find out that it was smarter than I am. Welcome to the club. Tom
I noticed on my Gen II that if I have the FOB in the hand that is pressing the button I will get that long beep as well. I guess the car thinks the FOB is actually inside the car. G