Your HOV stickers are only good for the car they were issued to. This is why I bought a used Prius w/stickers. This is also why sellers are getting a lot of extra $$ for their hybrids that have stickers.
If you were unlucky enough to have totaled your car and you are the original owner then you might be able to get replacement stickers for your new 2010... Effective January 1, 2009, DMV may issue new Clean Air Stickers to ORIGINAL owners of qualifying hybrids purchased to replace hybrids that have been subsequently declared total/loss salvage. Applications for replacement must be filed within six months of the date of total loss/salvage. (California)
I put my 2006 on sale after I received my 2010 last Wednesday. I have the stickers and registration for the 2006 but have never put them on the vehicle. I really didn't need them where I live so I never put them on (besides they are butt-ugly in CA), but I'm hoping you are right about the extra $$.
Curious as to why California no longer issues them to hybrid vehicles. Doesn't the state still think that hybrid ownership should be encouraged?
If they are too successful, they will destroy the primary purpose of the HOV lanes. As a former long-time carpooler, and a soon-to-be hybrid owner, I'm glad that Washington State never adopted this concept. Hybrids gained acceptance here very well without this incentive.
I just moved here, but my understanding is that there was only a certain number allotted for this purpose, and they went really fast.
My dad hung onto his from his 2006 (never put them on). I keep telling him they're only good on the car assigned and that putting them on the 2010 would be illegal. Doesn't matter - he'd never drive that far anyway. In AZ - plates stay w/ the owner. I transferred my plates from my 2004 to my 2010 and had the old non-hybrid plates put back on the 2004.
I kept the larger version of my 2001 Prius' stickers and though I'd hate ugly up my eventual 2010, it'd be worth free parking in Santa Monica everyday at the five hour meters.
Well given that the program ends in about 1.5 years. I must say it has been very enjoyable so far. I wish there was some way to get the new Prius and still be in the program until Jan 1st 2011.
Or even extend the date past Jan 2011. But then the state of CA needs money so maybe we can "buy" them for a new car.