I agree with the ride quality and the nav system The screen is much more clear and has a higher resolution then on the Prius.
The thing that amazes me about the FFH is the level of quiet and the ride / steering / handling quality. You would think that where Toyota has been at this much longer that they would be more on par with the FFH. What I don't know is how much improved the Prius V is (haven't test driven one yet). I'm hoping the V at least has better handling with the 17" wheels and tighter steering ratio. The FFH steering ratio felt much tighter than the Prius package 2 that I drove.
Can you elaborate on the interior finishing? I've sat in a Gen III (not leather) and was dissapointed by the interior. The addition of leather won't change the cheap looking dash. From the pictures I've seen, the FFH interior looks nicer, and I'm not just talking about the instrument panel.
Yep, you're right. It's the non-hybrid models that have the 6-speed auto - supposed to be a great transmission.
Interior looks are subjective. I prefer the more modern-looking interior of the Prius, but the Fusion interior style isn't so bad to be a deal-killer. I wish they had updated the Ford interior more when they updated the exterior.
In the published reviews, the Prius does score a bit better than the Insight, and it gets much better gas mileage... By the way, the Fusion Hybrid is scoring the same as the Insight! Hybrid :: MotorMouths
This is highly depending on the scoring system, if more emphasis on the FE, then the 10 Prius wins hands down. Looking at the list, seem like the FE is the highest weighing factor.
I think this is more in line with the Camry hybrid than the Prius. If you're looking to compare two cars, I think the Fusion is more like a Camry - more traditional sedan styling and a very cushy, quiet ride.
Ah! beat me to it. I recall one of the complaints with the Camry hybrid was the small trunk, as well. I think its ironic given that may here bristle when the prius is compared to a corolla or civic. And what's with the original poster's crack about made in mexico? Do you ferret out which models are made in Canada? Know any american workers who built pruises?
The small trunk, lower mpgs and less rear legroom in the Camry are what brought us to the Prius. Also, I was not quite ready for the sedan - it looked like something my dad would drive
Yep, it's targeting mainly the Camry hybrid, the basic model is around 27-28K; however I did checked it out too because the 3,4K tax credit makes its price competitive with the Prius. Since 95% of my commute will be hwy drive, the Fusion hybrid MPG won't do me any good because it scores in the low 30s in the hwy (real driver experiences, not bloody EPA). That together with better Toyota reliability made the Prius a better choice for my needs compared to Fusion... Now, those with mostly city drive should; however, consider the fusion over the Prius 4 or 5. It's a much more refined car compared to the Prius with way better rated options, like the nav system that is very good… http://usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/cars-trucks/Ford_Fusion-Hybrid/
I'm really surprised that the navigation is what won you over. Not the 10+ mpg the prius has, the hatchback with additional room and usability, the reputation and LOWEST COST for maintenance (according to cars.com...which compared to 09..didn't have 10 yet so I added $3k for initial price difference...would be about $2500 less during first 5 years than Fusion). Hmmm...well to each his own. I did like how it felt and looked like a regular car but I thought it actually felt too big (but I drive civic now) and the trunk was tiny in comparison.
See also http://priuschat.com/forums/ford-escape-mercury-mariner-hybrid/62653-ford-fusion-hybrid.html Or these: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-main-forum/61552-anybody-comparing-fusion-2010-prius.html http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-hybrid-news/60900-cnet-finds-fusion-far-better-than-2010-prius.html http://priuschat.com/forums/other-cars/60415-went-out-test-drove-every-hybrid-car-heres-my-thoughts.html
It's a compiled score of a large number of published reviews. The reviews are from places like Edmunds, Car and Driver and other places. The FE actually doesn't have a bearing on the scores, but it's funny how it worked out that way! hahah
The fuel economy doesn't have a bearing on the scores? Seriously? And the Prius received the highest score of all hybrids?
Yesterday, the 2010 Prius had an average score of 89, blowing away all other hybrids. In fact, only a handful of "regular" cars scored higher than 89 (91 being the highest), and they were all much more expensive than the 2010 Prius. Today, the Prius' score dropped "back to the pack", but still leading the pack at 87, no thanks to a completely bogus review at Review: 2010 Toyota Prius | The Truth About Cars, scoring the Prius a 55. Basically the author rated the Prius worse than just about every other car out there, insisting that any decent car should be able to win a race on the autobahn. This is the perfect example of an outlier, and should have been discarded by the website.
The FFH does have a CVT (they call it a 2 speed with OD, not sure why) 2010 Ford Fusion Hybrid Standard Equipment and Specs
The original poster (me) would be very pleased to buy a quality US made vehicle. I find it very dis-ingenuious for US auto companys to push the "buy american" campaign, only to then assemble thier autos in Mexico, Canada, etc. That sure doesn't help the US auto worker.
The U.S. and Canadian auto industries are so heavily intertwined as to be nearly indistinguishable. This seems to derive from a treaty in the early 1960s, requiring the 'American' auto companies to build a car in Canada for every car sold in Canada. So, very approximately, a 'Canadian' car sold in the U.S. is balanced by a 'U.S.' car sold in Canada. So, yes, when you buy a car built in Canada, it still benefits a U.S. auto worker.
It looks like maintenance should cost less on the Fusion Hybrid since it uses 5W-20 synthetic or synthetic blend at severe use interval of 7500 miles and normal interval of 10,000 miles. 2010 Prius uses $8+ per quart 0W-20 only available as synthetic at a frequent interval of only 5,000 miles and that will add up over the years.