I really wanted to title this thread "I give up!" Here's the email I just got about the price of the 2010 from a nearby dealer: "The Prius II starts at $23,500. This one also has Bluetooth Capability added to it. Did you also get my email about Texas taxes? It would help if you had an address in New Mexico to register it." I think that what I'm going to do this weekend is go to the nearest horse and buggy lot. I will purchase a convertible 3 seat buggy with the top of the line horse. I will get one with blue tooth capacity and extra cup holders. Aaarrrrgh, I'm done I tell you. Stick a fork in me, I'm done!
If you look a (gift) Horse in the mouth, will you see his Blue Teeth.... LOL... Would that be considered a Hybrid, if the horse ate both hay, and green grass? I hope that the dealer is joking about asking you to register the car out of state, if you live in that state. I prefer all parts of my deal to be above board. If my dealer had mentioned something like that to 'cheat' the system, I would have been uncomfortable, unless he was kidding.
Hee heeound:. The dealer just sent me an itemized list which includes, get this, 'An Illuminated Door Sill' for $360. Like my boss says, " I was born at night, just not last night!"
Although we're not privy to the conversation that led to the dealers quoted comment, I think what he is saying is that if Chillibean wants to forego Texas' sales tax, he will need to register the car in another state.
$23,500 might be right if they are adding the bluetooth capability (since it doesn't come with that) and the cool illuminated doorsill?? Just trying to give dealer small benefit of the doubt. I'm actually considering the illuminated sills cause they sure look sharp!!
Where is the problem? This sounds like MSRP on a Prius II ( $23000 ) plus the Toyota Bluetooth accessory. I don't see much to complain about, it's not outrageously high.
The price is $500 up. The MSRP for 2 is 22750 plus 249 for factory installed Bluetooth. That's not a lot, but dealers around here are all back to earth and asking right at MSRP after they realized that we’re still in a recession and there is more competition than anticipated. I never bought any car above MSRP and never will…
A good, honest Toyota dealership will give you the list price if you order the car. Good dealerships are out there. You just have to find them. Shop around.
Don't settle for a horse when you can get a hybrid--mule. You'll like it so much you'll be inseperable. There's nothing like being able to sit on your nice person all day.