June 08 2009 Hello I have acquired a Pirus model 2001 Classic, It has 121000KM on clock it is a Japanese model interior pictures attached. Local Toyota dealership have no support for the car. They are kind of amazed to see the car. Though she is working fine giving an average of 45KM/L but certain lights come up and goes off automatically which are kind of alarming. City running is not a problem but am reluctant to take her off away at highway for Inter state travelling risking whole bunch of family stranded just incase she halts by herself. 1. a red sign of exclaimation 2. intermitant Turtle sign I need guidance to replace the wheels currently she has 165SR/14 mounted on alloy wheels. a. what is recommended replacment life of NiMH batteries. b. what is current rating for basic startup 12 VDC battery - - The Frame Number starts as: NHW10 -00129XX Any help will be highly obliging. regards
Welcome first time poster. What country is UAR? Without the diagnostic trouble codes (which perhaps your Toyota shop can obtain?) it would be hard to pin down the warning lights you see. Usually recommended are cleaing the throttle butterfly, consider replacing spark plugs, and consider replacing the hybrid vehicle ECU with a newer version. If it has ever previously received contaminated fuel (which is ipossible to know) A bottle of high-quality fuel injector cleaner might be helful. For the following we need to be sure that your Prius has NHW11 prismatic cells in the HV battery, as opposed to the NHW10 cylindrical cells. Perhaps I overstate the possibility that it might have cylindrical, but of you could remove the lining material from the trunk (boot) and photograph the HV battery aseembly itself? The point is that the cylindrical cells were much more likely to wear out and show the turtle. Otherwise as far as replacing the HV battery, there is no typical lifespan. It is not desireable that you see the turle a lot, but it does not necessarily mean that your HV battery will soon fail. The 12 volt battery should be about 28 amp-hours. Weakness there can lead to unexpected fault reports, so it would be good to confirm that yours shows a adequately high voltage, and that all its connections are free of corrosion. The original battery comes with a vent tube, and direct replacements (other than from Toyota) with this feature are relatively rare. In a pinch, I wouldn't mind if you used an unvented battery. Some others are more strict on this matter. I understand that you want different wheels? of the same size? A direct replacement steel wheel is on the Toyota Corolla, from about 2000-2004. That date range may not be exactly correct. As your experience with the car grows, you can tell us more about the circumstances under which you see the warning lights. With a newly acquired used vehicle, please change the engine oil and filter, and the engine air filter unless you know they have been done very recently.
Ok Thank you I have inserted the Frame number which starts with NHW10 - am unable to add the pictures as you asked. As my usual habit - I have changed the Engine oil, oil filter, air cleaner upon taking the delivery before getting insurance & registration. Tyres I will change from my 2008 Toyota Corolla 185SR14 at the end of day. Will use fuel injector cleaner as well, Turtle is intermittent not OFTEN, we have day time temperatures as high as 101 F (45C) during summer in May - June every year.
That's an ORIGINAL model, not a CLASSIC. The clue from the photo is the fact that the Multi-Display has buttons underneath it, since touch-sensitive wasn't introduced the upgrade. In other words, it is indeed a NHW10 with cylindrical cells. .
Thank you for correction - John, It is orignal Can you guide me for difference in Variants please Would some of you please advise me what is Turtle sign about and when does it appear on the instrument panel. 2ndly The ABS alarm is continously ON despite the change of all disc pads, is that a possible ABS sensor problem? and sensors need replacment., on front right a sensor seems damaged & replaced but light cam back again aftet 1 km run. 3rd. The Button in the trunk on NiMH box - what is the function of that Button and when it shall be used please advise, thank you
The turtle sign just means that the battery is low and will not be providing any assist if you need to accelerate to pass someone. It doesn't indicate a failure as far as I know. And 45km/L is amazing. Are you sure it's 45km/L and not 45mpg? The new 2010 Prius does 38km/L in the old Japanese 10-15 cycle.
Thanks for clarifying Karachi. If any of the wheel speed sensors is not reporting data, the ABS light must show. The magic button in the trunk controls a recharger for the HV (288 v) battery from the 12 volt or additional 12 v batteries. Only the NHW10 has this. As it's now clear that yours is NHW10, I must inform that those batteries failure rate is areal issue. The individual cylindrical cell is D sized 6.5 amp hour NiMH, so it is not beyond hope to replace them from other sources. However they are spot-welded together and all those ocmplications. Among the yahoo groups there is Mk1_Prius, which probably brings together the largest internet community of NHW10 owners and watchers. They may have further advice about your situation. Allah Ka Fazel Ho
Thank you, Allah be with you, I will join that group as well. Further, That is correct am getting 45km / litre, i manage a respectable average speed of 65~70 km/h while driving. is it too low or extraordinary !
km/L seems like an odd unit until you realise that this has to be a Japanese grey-market export - NHW10 wasn't sold outside Japan. There are some around in the UK as some owners imported them from Japan (right-hand drive, of course). There are some classifieds on eBay with a surprising value still attached - £2,800 for a 1998 with 60,000 miles! Someone's even asking £5,000 for a 1998, although it only has 43,000 miles. To be honest I'd be inclined to think that unless conditions were pretty much perfect, the fuel consumption calculation is inaccurate. My car reads 2-3% high compared to what my own calculations reckon.
Thank you for the comments, Sure it is a Japanese local model exported out without any manuals or user guide / owner's manual. am still in learning phase of using a prius. I will TOP up the tank and carefully note down the average consumption one more time. What shall be best way to calculate the average fuel consumption. What i do is .. TOP up the tank and note the odometer, to next fill and take out the average., any other smart way ??
Oh I have no qualms with km/L. I was just amazed at the number... 45km/L on an Original is 2.2L/100km or 107 mpg US or 128 mpg Imp.