Thanks PriusLewis, The study they refer to is the same one I read awhile back and I disagreed with some of it although I did not realize the water recycling regulations were so stringent. I'll check into my local car wash and see how well they do with respects to capture and recycling. If they do indeed capture, filter (and dispose of the filtered material properly), and recycle the majority of the water used then I was wrong and will gladly pay $7 to enter a touchless car wash rather than wash it myself.
Glad to help. I use a touchless car wash where they dry the car (always with clean towels), clean the glass and vacuum. Plus they have a detail shop and often offer a full wash, interior minor detail and hand wax for about $50. That's only about $30 for the wax job, something I usually won't do any more on my own. I did take the "older" car to a few before finding one I trusted. The best thing is to watch them work. Are they dropping towels on the gravel and then re-using them on your paint? Are they using the same towls from one job to the next? Are they careful with interior fittings, such as knobs? Better wash shops seldom break anything, since their insurance has to pay for the fix, and too much of that will put them out of business due to no liability insurance. For "in between" washes the local $7 touchless at the gas station offers 10 cents discount per gallon if you buy their wash. Good wash, and a good price if I plan to use it anyway.
Yes, that's what I have noticed too. It's actually hard to see if I've polished out swirls on a silver or white car. People with OCD are asking for trouble by buying a black/dark colored car!
We're not limited by temperature, but we are limited by water. In SoCal, people like to roll clean, which is getting more challenging with the water rationing. For those interested in washing in cold weather and/or saving water, do a little search and read about the new rinseless products, such as Optimum No Rinse (ONR). There are plenty of examples of people using ONR with two gallons of warm water in a bucket for a winter wash. Their paintwork came through very well -- minimal marring. I manage to get away with washes using only one liter of water, with minimal damage to the paint.
I'm sorry, but we seem to have two different definitions of cold. Sure there are sometimes days when it is warm enough to wash a car. Last winter there were none. On a typical winter weekend day in much of the north, I would be in a race to see which of the following happens first (regardless of how much water it takes): My hand turns black from frostbite; The towel/mit freezes solid and scraps the paint off; My cold wet dead hand touches the cold car metal, freezing in place until spring; I slip on the ice and crack my head open; I drive to the car wash and hope the doors don't freeze shut; or I catch on and wait for a warmer day.
Just as a disclaimer, I have been detailing cars as a hobby and professionally for over 10 years... Generally automatic wash systems (including touchless washes) are a no-no and here is why: 1. Their propensity to scratch the paint (often this is more an issue with the towels used to dry than the wash system itself. Touchless washes that include drying are a BIG no. The paint is still dirty after a touchless wash, and drying simply grinds that dirt into the paint. 2. The harsh solvents and chemicals used strip clearcoat from wheels, dry out black rubber and plastic parts, and strip all protective wax from the vehicle (BIG problem with touchless washes that use harsher chemicals) If you want to wash by hand and don't have access to a hose, or just don't want to use a hose, and want a greener alternative, use this: Optimum No Rinse Wash & Shine: clay lubricant, optimum rinseless wash, no rinse car wash, optimum detailing products You mix up 1-2 gallons of water in a bucket, and using a nice wash mitt or microfiber covered sponge wash the car panel by panel from the top down, drying each panel with a waffle weave microfiber towel as you go. Do the wheels & tires last. Get a nice, long necked, soft brush and use that at the end to scrub up in the wheel wells and under the car as desired. It works extremely well, and I actually prefer it to hose washing mainly because its less mess and its impossible for water spotting to occur since every panel is dried right after its washed. You can wash a car in a garage in the a parking space...anywhere. The better waxed the surface the easier it will be. I'm to where I can wash the Lexus in 35 minutes including vacuuming and wiping down the interior, polishing the wood, etc and I can wash the Prius in about 25. All including doing the windows inside (the ONR works great on the outside) and dressing the tires.
Well heck you are way down South if you're in Boston. The real cold weather starts North of Rt. 128 It'll be raining in Boston and we'll be having a blizzard. You do get the ocean breezes but you're still warmer by a significant amount.
Like the saying goes: it's cold, but at least it's a damp cold. Actually, I spent 4 years living north of the Adirondacks in NYS so I don't complain too much about the occasional -10 down here. Although that may change as I keep getting older... But I still don't see myself handling a bucket of water in anything less than 40 degree.
Yes gotta love that chill you to the bone, raw weather. We do get 40 degree weather in March usually late March. TRight now it's like 60 degrees outside maybe cooler. I don't wash cars in the cold and I have no issues with touchless car washes. If I feel like blastingthe ice off with a high pressure sprayer then we have those as well but very cold in the winter and I worry it'll blow the paint off the car. The touchless one is like a gentle rain and seems to get the road salt off. The local detailer seems to be a decent guy and he suggests having a paint treatment. He says it will last a long time and since the car is new it doesn't need waxing yet. I think for $35 I'll try it when he puts Aquapel on all my cars windows. Then I'll have the water repellant glass all around. :rockon: I like washing my car in the summer but I often don't have the time.
I have brutalized my 10-year-old Saab with all sorts of car washes and my parking space is under an oak tree (read: acorn bombs in the fall months) but I'm hoping to change my evil ways when my new Prius comes home. I've been taking notes of all the products and techniques but "clay"? That's a new one for me. What is, how do you use and why do you use clay? Thanks!
A clay bar is used to remove surface contaminants (tree sap, rail dust--which is common on new cars that were transported by train, etc.) from a car's paint. Even after washing, the surface will have contaminants. Try this: after washing and drying your car, put you hand in a baggie and gently rub over the car's surface--you'll feel small "bumps" which is what claying removes. I use Clay Magic: Clay Magic Perfect Finish Kit. You spray the lubricant, and gently rub the clay bar over the surface, which shears the contaminants off. You'd be amazed using the baggie test before and after.
Actually its especially needed when the car is new to remove rail dust from ship/train/truck transport that can rust and cause spotting on light colored cars. For advice on all things detailing check out Autopia - Autopia Home
All of you car washing fanatics have it completely backwards. All that washing is bound to remove some of your paint, little by little. And of course, you remove your protective coating of dirt, exacerbating the damage. Think of it like your teeth. Would you let your dentist remove your protective coating of plaque, leaving your teeth undefended against bacteria and acidic foods? Of course not. I say, let 'em build up a good crust. They'll be tougher and better cars for it.
Dude! Drop by and I will take you to 2 of the best car washes I've found ANYWHERE! Oh, wait, that might be a bit of a drive just for a car wash...
I agree 100%. My Prius was not bad but my Trans am and GMC truck were horrible. The Trans Am made this horrible sandpaper-like sound the first time I clayed it and it only had 8miles on the odometer. I cannot say enough good things about clay barring a vehicle at least once a year before a full polish job. All hail the mighty claybar!
OOH! OOH! Hey, forum, let's start the Church Of The Holy Prius! We can get protected status from the government for our non-profit, and be able to buy Prius goodies WHOLESALE! We can worship the Everlasting Mileage, and get closer to Heaven with each MPG we gain! Have sermons on Saving Unto Others! Set up our own Summer Camp for Devine Greenness! I can see it all now...