Out of curiosity, did they tell you what number you are on their waiting list? They told me I'm #8 a month or so ago, so I'm curious to see if the waiting list has gotten much bigger.
Just got e-mailed back and he said I was #1 (the only one) with that color/package combo. Red/Bisque IV with Sunroof.
Has anyone got a news for Texas or GST Region...In this case no news is not good news...Where the love :-(
Just got call from my Little Rock dealer said my Prius IV Blizzard Pearl with NAV will be in Houston port early next week. Getting it with only cargo net.carpet mat set,and bummer protector. Having dealer keep all GST money makers off.
Any one else getting phone calls, can a GST Rep, tell us how many cars and what is coming into our region. I have ordered: Base order: 2010 Prius V, with: Advanced Technology Package Rear Bumper Applique Carpet Floor Mats & Cargo Mat Remote Engine Start All Options have the above base order specs.... Option 1: Exterior color: Classic Silver Metallic Interior color: Leather Misty Grey Option 2: Exterior color: Winter Gray Metallic Interior color: Leather Misty Grey Option 3: Exterior color: Blue Ribbon Metallic Interior color: Bisque I am being flexable, where my car :boink:
I gave up on waiting for cars to come into Texas - especially Houston. Take a look at the inventory of 2009 Prius that are on dealer lots in Houston. TONS of them. I will be getting mine from an out of state dealer shortly and hes shipping it down for me. I'm sooo excited!
Reviewed dealer web site, looks like a total of 22, 2009 Prius but that’s for GST Region 5 states, I am sure many of those are in Houston... How much are you going to pay for shipping? Does it go to your house or another Houston dealer? How does that work? Other than shipping did you get what you want? Are you only pay MSRP, are you paying for port stuff that you don't want? Where is it being shipped from? Who are you working with?
wow i to might use Fred Hass Country also (see below) for a 2010 II, nothing but e-mail so far but plan to go in early next to see how brown his eyes are (how much BS) Buddy Hadley Internet / H Plan / Fleet Sales Manager Fred Haas Toyota Country
Be warned - 1. GST installs a black bumper protector rather than the correct rear bumper applique shown in the 2010 Prius accessories on toyota.com. 2. GST gives you a 4 corners cargo net that hooks to the 4 tiedowns, instead of the correct vertical cargo net shown in the 2010 Prius accessories on toyota.com
So I take it Buddy is who you are working with. My order is with Fed Hass Country also. I am working with; I got nothing for a clue of when my car is going to get arrive. I think it will be easy for you once our Region start to release 2010 prius. I believe there is a lot of PII, If you go Toyota.com click on Bulid it, put your zip in and pick location, you can see 22 or so PII with vin# and they say available. Ask Buddy about that. No V on web site at all. Scott Lyche Internet Sales Manager Fred Haas Toyota Country toyotacountry.com Direct: 281-374-5173 Cell: 281-622-9640 Fax: 281-374-5205
I sent this to my sales rep: Scott, I am concerned about the Rear Bumper Applique we have ordered. There are two types-- the Rear black bumper guard is not commonly installed from ports-- but I just wanted to be sure that my car will not have a rear black bumper guard, as it is ugly to me. The style below is the way I want it to appear, it is similar to what I have on my 06 Prius. If we are not sure what the port is going to put on the car I would like to cancel request for Bumper Applique. If we know I am getting the clear Rear Bumper applique, then we can continue with current order. Pics below. Rear Bumper Applique That I want. (Correct) The other type of bumper guard (Wrong kind for me!) PS not trying to bash Ggood’s Prius, I am just glad he shared. Funny thing is when I got my o6, I was mad that they put the clear sticker and not the back bumper. I was thinking the sticker would come off and peal. It was fine never had issue with it. Now I got used to it and want it to be clear. Go figure..
FYI, if you check inventory at either Sterling McCall or Fred Haas websites, a lone 2010 Sandy Beach/Bisque Model II (with a VIN) is showing up as "available". Hard telling who actually has it in stock.
I have called Toyota.com Help line: I reviewed with helpdesk what we see buy looking a dealer inventory in our GST local web site. This shows the one car as you are pointing out. However if you go to Toyota.com and look at Build Your Toyota @ Toyota.com and enter your Zip code from GST region, you see P II,III,IV, the inventory has grown a little in the last few days, I would guess about 60 to 80 cars. I asked, has GST region ordered PV, or what. He was unable to help. FYI, still looks like GST is adding lots of Port stuff to their inventory. Still Know PV showing up this is a very big concern for me. Toyota.com Help Line told me to call my Customer Relationship contact (CRC) from my dealer, her Name is Denita Vaul (I think) Fred Haas Toyota Country. At this point my only request is to talk with a Rep from GST. My complaint is that GST is not telling dealers what is going on. To my understanding all cars for GST are ordered by region and then allocated to local dealer around 147 of them. I asked my dealer did GST region even order a PV. They are unable to tell me. They are unable to explain why local inventor site is not the same as Build Your Toyota, cars have been on the Build your Toyota for two weeks for our region, but yet not one dealer has one. I think with the one car showing up on Inventory, I think it is on a lot in the GST Region, and the other car listed on Build your Toyota are in some holding area for some reason. At this point no returned phone from call from Customer Relationship contact. My local sales rep has called me back, and I do believe he would like to help but just does not know where to get updated information. Sales Rep has been good and dealer has been good, I have had my 06 Prius maintenance done by this dealer and had good service. Someone please call a Gulf State Toyota rep and tell them to re-think their deployment method. Customers are in the dark and issue need to be corrected. Please read thread: Is GST Region dead last in releasing new Prius? Prius Team please get on the horn, and lets move Forward with selling cars. Bye the way: IS GST region dead last? Should be the main thread I think.. Please keep thread active as I am letting GST region know about posting, I hope..
My point about the 1 car is that is showing up as available on the dealer websites, which is a first. I could be wrong, but I think it also means that car has been allocated and is actually in stock somewhere. I've tried e-mailing my GST contact for some answers to your questions, but I'm not holding my breath.
I agree with your point and is good news that a car has been delivered to dealer for people to see. It would be nice if GST contact could throw us a bone.
I had a face-to face with Buddy H. of Fred Hass Toyota Country today and im impressed but confused, said he would order me just what I want (a 2010 II blizzard pearl with NO options (not even mats, can get at Target ?) - they had 0 2010's but several '09s that I sat in (but didn't test drive) said he would have a 2010 in a couple weeks that I could check out and if okay I'll give him a $ 500. refundable deposit for mine - do you suppose I can get just what I want or is this the oldest trick in the book ?
My dealer, Round Rock Toyota, essentially told me the same thing. I gave them a $500 "refundable deposit" and the sales lady wrote down what I want. She said I would get exactly what I requested - without any port added options. I will believe it when I see it! Also, she said they are expecting a 2010 Prius within the next week or so. Perhaps GST is finally shipping cars (at least one so we can test drive it).
I just sent Buddy an e-mail, deal is off ! (we never had a deal) ((now if he gets the vehicle I want we can deal ((this message not sent)))
Tell me more I don't get it. I am trying to get a contact name for Custmer Relation for GST region. Wanting contact information of someone I can talk with at the Gulf State Region level or get answer for for below questions. Want to know why Prius V are not showing up on, build your Toyota for our 5 state region. Want to validate that Gulf State Region has order some Prius V with ATP..GST 147 dealers will not get one allocated unless GST has requested for our region, correct. Question on why Build Your Toyota search show more stock than inventory on GST local dealer sites search. Scott can add to this if needed.. One other things has come up, low in priority but just want to know. Safety connect not being evadable until fall. Most people assumed hardware would be installed with there ATP package and just would not be available until fall, but now it looks like, hardware, is not in the car, and will not be available until fall. Being told that Safety connect must be installed by factory. Can you have someone provide clear update on this feature around cost, hardware, activation, included in package or not. General complaint, it seems GST is not keeping local sales staff updated, IF not part of a Region like GST or SET, then dealers are providing a good amount of information on shipment, they are dealing with Toyota Corp.
They have a Prius III available to test drive at Sterling McCall on SW freeway in Houston. Talked to the salesman and they are tacking on a $700 package on top of MSRP. Told him I'll just wait it out till they go under MSRP. Nice update, but driving feel was about the same as the PII. Interior is lightyears ahead of PII. Might have to go with the V to get the 17inch wheels to compare with my touring.