Hellp, I'm Jonathan, and I'm a Prius/PriusChat newbie! I've already made a few posts here or there. I'm (im)patiently waiting for a 2010 Prius to come into my nearby dealership. This site has been great for keeping my impatience in check - I come here and read up on things and see everyone else is ancy waiting for their new toys too! This will be the first car I have ever purchased for myself. My first was a 1998 Volvo S70 that I drove for 9 years, sold it with under 50,000 miles! I had that car through high school, graduate school, and my first job. Then I moved to Atlanta, started a Ph.D. program/work full time and have to do an hour each way drive to class once a week. My mother sold me her 2001 Lexus GS300 (under 30,000 miles) and gets a new car for herself (she's nothing if not clever). I would have kept that Lexus forever, if not for an accident about a month ago that left it totalled. With the insurance check and some of my own savings I am boldly going forward into the world of the hybrid. I rented a 2009 Prius and thought it was a solid car - my only complaint was the interior was boring. With the redesigned console in the 2010 my complaint is rendered moot, and I can't wait to have my new car already! Take care, Jonathan
:welcome: Hope your new car arrives soon. I find this forum to have a fair percentage of PhD's (and doctoral candidates, like myself). Says something about the quality of car a thinking individual will buy! When I had a Cobalt SS, the Cobalt forum was mostly high shcool students. Fun and all, but the level of experience was lacking compared to this forum.
The reliability and low maintenance needed for the Prius should be welcomed by anyone with a busy schedule. Good luck in your studies, Jonathan!
Welcome To PC Jonathan, As You Know There IS a Lot Of Good Stuff Here. Best Of Luck With Your New Baby, When You Get It. AND Remember To Share Your Experiences.