So, I brought my Prius home from Florida this week! Thanks to everyone who gave advice on the long road trip home. We took the scenic route up the coast to be sure that we broke the engine in properly, took Sam to the beach for a day, and made it home to Texas, all on two tanks of gas (although I did fill up three times just to be very safe about fuel.) Dad put beautiful silver stripes on her that look beautiful. Started to get better mileage once I got over about 500 miles. Successfully turned off the reverse beep today (thank goodness.) I work at NASA and there are lots of Priuses there - rocket scientists appreciate them, I guess, so I have alot to learn! Thanks!
Congrats. My husband is a space physicist himself and works on a few projects w/ NASA. Was it worth the trip to take delivery of the Prius in FL vs. TX?
I love the star trek shuttle! Very cool! and yes, I think it was worth it... I was going down there anyway, and I got a very good deal... Just learned today how to drive "no arrows" - stealth mode? Slow to pick it up but I now think I got it figured out...