DOes anyone know if there are programming options available for the 2005 Prius? I would love to be able to have the doors programmed to self lock at 5mph.... also, are there Daytime running lights programable, it seems i don't have them???? Thanks!
The short answer is "no". The longer answer is there are hacks and third-party addons to do what you want. Check out and other postings in this forum.
Car does not have a feature to lock the car when you drive, though Costal has a mod for that. DRL is not available in US, but is available in Canada where it is required by law. As such, since it difficult to impossible to have HID with DRL, Canada doesn't have HID as an option, where we do. I'd love to know if the Body ECU does have full auto/DRL dormant in its programming, so we could trick it to activate. It might be looking for the ambient light sensor before the programming becomes active and the option can be enabled. Then the rest of the electrical hardware would need modification to be useful.