I recently parked my Prius II with a valet. When I returned a couple days later (was gone for the weekend) and the car was retrieved for us, the car was still running without the key fob in. I'm wondering if anyone has experienced this as well (i.e. car is running, no key in it). My assumption is that the valet person yanked the fob out but there doesn't appear to be any damage and the fob doesn't fall out or come out easily (I've tried to gently pull it out myself). Any thoughts on this or if you know of a "hidden" or un-published trick to this would be appreciated.
This has happened to a lot of other Prius owners. With the Smart Key System it is easy to walk away and leave it running, if you ignore the three warning beeps. The Prius keeps running without a fob. It was deliberately designed that way. Imagine if it wasn't, and you were driving down a busy highway when the fob went dead. Not a good thing. It sounds like you don't have the smart key, in which case the fob should lock in the slot until you power down. Tom
Hello, thank you for the reply. I should have been more clear. I do have the smart key. It does lock in place until I power down. That is my concern. I'm wondering how they got it out. When I picked up the car, the girl behind the counter handed me the fob. I went to the car and pressed the unlock to pop the trunk. Since I didn't hear it running, I assumed the fob was bad or they gave me the wrong car! Regardless, the fob was out, the car was running and I'm wondering how hard they had to have pulled to get it out while the car was still on (unless there is a trick).
If you don't have SKS (and no UK cars do), the fob is locked into the dash with a solenoid. It may be possible to pull it out against that plunger, but I wouldn't recommend it - it feels like you're going to pull the dash apart. Generally, you're going to remember to turn the car off. The non-SKS fob's immobiliser transceiver is like a contactless payment card - it doesn't require power (or, rather, it picks up power from the car via induction).
Perhaps the valet was smart enough to know how to use the smart key and started the car without placing the fob in the slot? Edit: Didn't mean to sound snooty - thought you knew that the Smart Key didn't have to be inserted into the slot to start the car. My bad.
If you have smart-key you don't need to put the fob in the dash to start the car, you just need to have it in the car.
Much appreciated for the last post. I guess it really is "smart" then. I'll have to try that out (i.e. starting car without the fob in the dash). I didn't see that clearly stated in the manual nor did my salesperson have a strong knowledge of how to use the vehicle. Thanks again!
You also don't need to press the unlock button to "pop the hatch". Just grab the handle and it will unlock and open, so long as the smart key is close by. Tom