I've looked through past threads in hopes of getting help finding a bike rack to fit my needs and a 06 prius. If you have one you like, that doesnt scratch the paint or cause any other damage, please post about it. I'm searching through Ebay and other places to try to find a good fit (2 or 3 bikes) that secures the bikes so they cant be stolen, and causes no damage to the car. thanks in advance for all the help!! RD
As long as you got the Curt hitch, you can use any 1.25"-hitch-mounted bike rack that will hold the bikes away from your Prius so there will be no scratches. I got a Curt Hitch with my '07 and I love going places with my bike on the rack. Photos of my setup in my old thread! http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-main-forum/38000-finally-got-my-curt-hitch.html
From a price, ease of use, and functionality standpoint, I've been very happy over the course of a year with the Saris Bones 3. It's mentioned in several of the other threads. I have no idea on security, as we're drive to the trailhead, unload the bikes, ride, reload the bikes and drive home kind of people. I assume someone could just cut the straps and remove the rack, bikes and all if they were so motivated. Our modus operandi and the fact the our "best" bike is my 18 year old Giant hybrid haven't put this to the test.
I'm with JustLurkin, hitch-mounted is my favorite. No matter how careful I was with the kind that hung off the trunk, they always damaged my paint, and it never felt secure. Yakima doesn't make the model I have anymore, but it's similar to this one: Yakima Products - BigHorn 4 (1-1/4") You can still open the hatch (carefully) even with the rack loaded. I have the optional lock and it's as secure as any other type of bike lock. Someone with heavy duty bolt cutters could probably still get through the cable though. I'm lusting after one more like this: Yakima Products - HoldUp 1 1/4" because it looks like it would be easier to load, but it's more expensive.
Saris Bones 3 has been recommended in several threads, and there are several on Ebay, and some used under $100. I may just go with that. That way my wife and I can take our mountain bikes, and I can take my road bike too..... Thanks everyone for the suggestions. RD
The Toyota United Cycling Team has a really nice roof rack they use on their Prius team car. It's more notable for high bike density than anything else. I personally feel prefer a roof rack than a hitch mounted rack, but that's because I carry a lot of bikes. [ame="http://www.flickr.com/photos/danhontz/2289608925/"]Tour of California 2008 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!@@AMEPARAM@@http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3045/2289608925_ce85b693b6.jpg?v=0@@AMEPARAM@@2289608925@@AMEPARAM@@ce85b693b6[/ame] hxxp://www.flickr.com/photos/danhontz/2289608925/ The forum seems to think the flickr page is a video when it is not.
The way it mounts to the back of the car, doesn't it scratch the paint at the paint-rack interface (even though it has those rubber bumper pieces)?
I had a Saris Bones with my old Hyundai Accent.. It doesn't hold the bike far enough from your car though, so I was getting scratches on the car from the various parts of my bike bumping into the car, like the pedals and the handlebar ends. The pedals on my mountain bike particularly left some deep gouges in my Accent's bumper, but that's OK because my old Hyundai was a beat-up secondhand college car. That's why I went with the Curt hitch for my Prius. Absolutely none of my bike would ever touch the car while strapped onto the hitch-mounted rack.
thanks all. the hitch just wasn't an option right now. I did get somewhat of a deal on the saris 3 off ebay just now. $76, used, excellent condition. Hopefully it is in excellent condition. I did just have the car detailed though. It is looking great for the summer fun now.......
I have the clear rear bumper appliqué and the lower legs sit on that. No idea if it scratches on plain bumper or not.