Did you know we manufacture a car that outsells every model built in Japan AND gets better mileage than the Prius?
Yabba-Dabba-Doo! Three questions: * Can I retrofit Recaro bucket seats? * Does it have an OBD port for my ScanGauge? * Can I get 17" rims?
Thus the skewed mpg rating. I understand the CONgress is going to mandate they retrofit a odometer to the vehicle so the govt can tax it appropriately for annual miles of use. Oregon's probably already implemented it... My kids loved theirs... we sold it in a yard sale to a neighbor's kid for 14 cents... when the new owner drove it off the lot, err, driveway to their home two houses down the street, the first thing they did was put a new shine on it with soap and water... they didn't have it a week before one of the kids had an accident in it... once they extricated the child from the overturned vehicle, they had to park it for a week, and learn to share.
Well, there are some bugs in the technology: 1. As amm0bob mentioned, it is light weight and has a tendancy to flip. 2. It uses biodegradable fuel, but fillups are frequent and can be messy. 3. All models have a bladder - which sometimes empties into the driver's seat. Despite these quirks, the car is virtually indestructible, and even used models fly off the lot.
When there's two of em in the car, it has a fair amount of stereo... I have direct knowledge from observations when the car is occupied that the cupholder isn't very reliable or effective at doing it's job, and one of the complaints is the cupholder keeps moving and either drinks more than their share or spills it on the driver on purpose... often resulting in increased volume of the stereo. I understand it isn't something that will ever generate a recall because it is a consumer generated problem, and not the responsibility of the manufacturer.
Not enough luggage space for my hiking trips to Canada. And where's the plug? Darrel's daughter has one with a plug.
Oh no it isn't, even the cars we get here are made in the USA, so there is a popular car in Australia that is made in the USA!! Please do not allow kids to use these toys near the top of stairs!!
Well, maybe it's a regional thing haha. Almost everything we get here in Hawaii has a tag or a stamp on it that says "Made in China" or some other foreign country.