On page 69 & 70 of the owners manual it has instructions for disabling the auto door locking (when moving shifter out of "P") and unlocking (when shifting to "P"). I can't make it work. It says to switch power to ON (which is pressing the power button twice without your foot on the brake, according to the owners manual), then press P and press & hold either the unlock or lock buttons on the door for 5 seconds. Then all doors are locked and then unlocked when canceling operation is completed. I've tried pressing & releasing P before pressing and holding the lock or unlock buttons--also tried pressing & holding P while pressing and holding lock or unlock buttons. Also tried with power in accessory mode, and with car turned on. No luck. Has anybody been able to change these setting per the instructions in the owners manual? If so, any idea what I'm doing wrong? When I picked up my car I had them do the following customizations, which the owners manual says must be done by the dealer--could it be these dealer changes caused the auto lock/unlock function to not be owner changeable? Wireless remote unlocking operation—customized setting of “all doors unlocked in 1-step†Unlocking using a key—customized setting of “all doors unlocked in 1-step†Reverse warning buzzer—customized setting of “beeps once†Seat belt reminder—customized setting of “OFFâ€
I'll play later tonight if time permits. Are you waiting until a reaction or just 5 seconds? Sometimes their "5 seconds" can be a bit long
I'm having the dealer make all the settings to my car, so that when I pick it up, it will all be done. But I can ask and see how it has to be done while I'm there. So you want to know how you (not the dealer) can manually change the setting to NOT unlock all the doors when you shift into Park, right?
Correct. The default setting it to lock all doors when shifting out of P, and unlock all when shifting into P. I want both auto settings turned off. TIA.
I will be sure to ask. I won't have an answer for you until later tonight tho. I still have to get the car and snap some pics. I'm hoping I can get some pics at the Apple Orchard across the street from me. The apple trees are blooming so it would make a nice backdrop.
In our 07 Corolla it uses basically the same method. It has 4 different modes. I found out that you have to start from scratch each time your try. In my case, put overhead light to DOOR, turn key to ON, wait for the overhead light to blink (1, 2, 3 or 4 times). To go to the next mode - start from scratch and do the procedure over again until you get to the mode you want. Hope this helps.
I got my car today but the mechanic had gone home. I tried the settings myself but not a chance! Hopefully they can help me out with it tomorrow. It's really tough to set things yourself in this car. SKS is iffy, sometimes it will unlock all the doors other times it won't.
Update--took my car to Toyota Sunnyvale, and they reprogrammed the car, gratis, of course. Once again great customer service from my dealer.
I played with this for 1/2 hour and I finally figured it out. You do the opposite of the current system setting. If you want to turn the auto lock off you push the P and then the lock button. If you want to turn it back on you push the N and then the lock button.
Heres another door lock program question: Can you program it to UNLOCK ALL the doors at once when you hit unlock on the key fob (or the auto key fob or however it works.)????? I absolutley cannot stand this features that cars have now where they only unlock the driver door when you press unlock. You have to hit unlock TWICE to unlock the rest of the car. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (I dont think I could buy a car that did this)
I thought I had this figured out, but only got half of it. Now the doors dont lock at all either when you go into gear or get above 12mph. I did get them to unlock when i go into Park. If have tried every combination I can think off, but cant get them to lock.
Yes--I agree with you, and I did. To unlock all doors (instead of the default drivers only) with the remote, or using the mechanical key, the dealer needs to program that change. The default is you need to press the unlock button on the remote (or turn the mechanical key) twice. To change SKS so touching the drivers door opens all the doors, can be done by the owner using instructions in the owners manual.
This is driving me nuts. When I try to do this I get no response from the car at all. Anyone have any helpful info? Thanks.
As I said I tried using the owners manual instructions--many times--with no luck. My advice is have the dealer do it.
I have spent far too much time attempting it myself as well. The manual is obviously incorrect in some way. I wanted to change a few things but literally nothing changes, no matter what I do. I will have the dealer change them. I'm happy with the settings I now have except the headlights don't turn off with the car. That will be changed if possible. If you do find out how to change them please post here and I will do the same. I see the dealer on Thursday.
According to the owners manual, the default is for the headlights to turn off 60 seconds after you close the doors. This can be changed (by the dealer) to 0, 30, or 90 seconds.
The owners manual is wrong then. I shut off the car and let it sit in the garage for over 5 minutes and the headlights were still on! I believe it is a dealer only setting and they said they will fix that at the same time they check my wheel alignment. The owners manual seems to have a lot of errors in it.
OK, I have the auto door locking figured out. manual is wrong. You dont put the car to on you have to put it to ready. So you put the car to ready, push N or P (dont hold) then hold the driver door lock/unlock for 5 sec and let go. For the 5 sec count with the blinks of the : on the clock. If you did it right the doors will lock and unlock.