Has anyone else out there experienced problems with their solar ventilation system? Mine seems to work part of the time, but twice this week, I went out to the car to find that the fan was not running, and there was some strange sounds from up front happening - kinda like some servos or something were trying to engage, but couldn't. I will try and talk to the dealer this week, but in the meantime, my wife will be taking the car out of town this week, so I'll just make sure she doesn't use that system.
I would let her use the solar vent. The car is under warranty so free repair. Also if you don't use it for a while and then go to the dealer, it might not make the noises and the tech will say you are crazy and it works fine. I hate when you have a problem and when you bring it in and it works perfect when they look at it.
What time of day? We're finding that in the late afternoon, there's not enough direct sunlight to operate the system.
The two times that I found this issue occuring, were early to mid afternoon times - say between 1 and 3-ish.
Mine works great actually. It takes 10 mins to kick in once you have left the car and it needs to be in direct sunlight, no obstruction, go work. Its wonderful to have it cooler in the car when I get in.
I'll have to try the solar vent some more when she gets back from her trip. It's better for her not to have to worry about something possible going wrong when she is traveling by herself.
If you have ever left your windows open to keep the car cool, then come back to an interior covered with a fine layer of dust, you probably wouldn't have the same opinion. .
While I agree that the PV is going to waste much of the time, it's not b/c it won't charge the HV battery. You're just not ever going to get a PV panel that will do that to any significant degree. That said, I think the same 'juice' that'll run the vent fan when the car is off could run the fan when the car is ON. Why not feed the energy into the 12v preferentially, when available, to the 12v system so that it can run the multitude of accessories while driving?
I would think that you might need more filters then, I would like to have the system if it used a separate filter and fan, so as to prevent wear and dirtying and whatnot. I also wonder if a simple 12v aux battery with a plugin wouldn't be more efficient and about the same weight as the panel. These are JUST ideas. I think that trying and experimenting with the solar in the automotive industry is finally a step forward.
I agree. The current could be channeled to the 12V battery when car is running and then power the fan when parked. This is a Mod for the most sophisticated among the PriusChat community.... any takers? Lee
The SR version of the blower is a double ball-bearing brushless motor for enhanced durability. The filter clean/change interval is 10,000/20,000 vs. 15,000/30,000 miles because of increased operation. I've contemplated such a mod... but probably am not qualified to see it to completion w/o someone else's electrical engineering skills. I've looked at the EWD's and it's not entirely trivial.
"there was some strange sounds from up front happening - kinda like some servos or something were trying to engage" Does the sound you hear, sound like a cellphone when it is on vibrate and the phone is ringing?
You may hear the dampers go from fresh to recirculate. That sound from under the hood, as you open the front driver's door, is the brake accumulator pump pressurizing the brake system (power brakes). After short trips you won't hear it when returning, but if the car's been sitting for a few hours, you'll hear the system repressurize. After pressing the pedal a few times, this pump will run again to rebuild pressure. Similar brake by wire system as in the Gen II, but operates just a bit differently as to when the system repressurizes. .
I am SO disappointed. I have had the car for 3 days and have yet to go out to the car and find the interior even close to the outside temp. It has been in the driveway (no trees, away from house) in both direct sun & partly cloudy conditions. I just came back in after checking the temp yet again; outside 84°, inside temp 111°. I sat in the car & could hear a fan trying to run, then hot air would come out of the vent for a few seconds then stop. I also know that if the air felt hot in a 111° interior there was no chance the air was going to help cool anything. Is it time to call the dealer or tech support?