Hey All- I just bought a brand new Motorola V710 Bluetooth phone to compliment my 2005 Prius, Package 6. I'm able to make phone calls wirelessly through my Prius. The problem I am having is how to data transfer numbers I have stored in my new phone to be stored in the phone book of my Prius. Can anyone help me out on this? I have followed the instructions in the Prius Owners Manual, but, to no avail as I come up short of being able to do the actual data transfer. All suggestions are welcome......
You might want to look at this thread I found it with a simple search on V710. I have a Treo 650 which seems to transfer the phonebook just fine except that all ()- symbols have to be removed before transfering.
Well, it sounds like the Motorola V710 has issues with importing it's phonebook to the Prius. How can I manually enter in phone numbers then? Many thanks in advance........
Think of your Prius as a headset, with limited capabilities. I don't think there is any way to enter numbers into the phone book directly, only from a phone upload. You can, however, store frequently called numbers in the 1-touch buttons, but only the numbers (no names) and only from the call lists, not by direct entry. I think I saw where there's a firmware upgrade of the V710 that helps things. The SE S710 (who picks model numbers, anyway) works pretty well. Since you can't dial from a moving car (except the blank 1-touch buttons) the Prius is more like a headset...
Other than using 1-touch as Bill mentioned, you can use hdrygas' trick; register a new position in the NAV, add name and phone number, and then dial out using that entry. It certainly is not as convenient as using the phonebook but it does work. If you don't mind spending a few bucks, you can buy a fully Prius-compatible phone on ebay. I picked up a Sony T68i for $33 and use it for the sole purpose of populating my Prius' phonebook.
I just keep my Sony Ericsson S710 in the cup holder. I can easily see caller ID for an incoming call (even the person's picture if I've set it up). And I can use the phone's voice calling to place a call in motion. The only niggle is that I have to press a botton to transfer the outgoing call to the Prius and it takes a few seconds so I sound dorky saying "hello? hello?" and the person on the other end misses some of what I'm saying. The delay is annoying.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Verizon!!!! The cash frow from you to them is important. :roll: Costal E Tech is coming out with a fix so you can use the MFD to dial. You can use a Bluetooth Lap Top to transfer a phone book, I am told. I have not tried that as yet. Any one know if that works with a mac and the address book or Palm desk top? If someone has done that I might pick up a Bluetooth dongle the next time I am at the Apple Store.
Well, let me ask this question....Can someone instruct me how to enter in phone number MANUALLY into the Prius? Also, how does one enter numbers into the 1-touch option? Thanks again.......
Cannot be done. You can save numbers from the incoming and outgoing call logs into the One Touch screen. Unfortunately, no names can be added to the phone numbers and the numbers themselves are blacked out while the car is moving, although you can dial out if you remember whose number is in what position. The procedure is explained in the Navigation manual. I do not remember it off the top of my head and it is probably just as easy for you to get it out of your car as it is for me to get it from mine.
the mac address book bluetooth sync works amazingly well! after spending some time frustrated with transfering one contact at a time.. i busted out the trusty ibook to see how it would do. I prepared the car to accept a phonebook dump, selected all my contacts in address book, clicked card->Send these cards, chose the prius and 10 seconds later the phonebook data is transfered. couldnt have been any easier!
Questions for the Dude: Did any of your Mac Address Book entries have multiple phone numbers associated with them? If so, how did they transfer? Did you get multiple entries or did only the first number get transferred?