FBI: Terrorist Attack On Golden Gate Bridge May Have Been Green-Screened WASHINGTON—Analysts now believe that last month's horrific attack on San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge, which left thousands missing and assumed dead, may have actually been carried out with green-screen technology, FBI officials announced Monday. "While we must never forget the painful events of 5/16, new evidence has caused us to rethink the nature of the attack," FBI director Robert S. Mueller III said during a press conference. The director also said that the use of chroma-key technology to stage an attack would support widespread claims that rescue workers responding to the bombing were unable to reach the destroyed Golden Gate Bridge because of rush-hour traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge. According to the White House, President Obama has been kept abreast of the FBI's ongoing investigation into the 5/16 attacks. In a televised address from the base of the partially completed Golden Gate Bridge Memorial Wall, Obama reiterated the need for constant vigilance. Full Article: FBI: Terrorist Attack On Golden Gate Bridge May Have Been Green-Screened | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
But but but, how can I get to my pot club now? I guess me and my spousal equivalent will have to swim across the gate now to get married (I wonder what that will do to my wedding gown?). Actually, this event may turn out to be a good thing! Now instead of one great big gay day parade in San Francisco, it will have to be run as a series of smaller gay parades in all the small towns across the nation. Talk about the 'fast track' to normalization...that's the way to go...Take a lesson from Fred Phelps and immerse gay people where they are not apprediated. Pretty soon the whole nation will be redecorated with black leather and chains, and none too soon.
My wife and I were in downtown Chicago yesterday and I picked up a free printed copy of the Onion for reading while waiting and on the train. When I read the headline to her, she said, "I didn't hear about an attack on San Francisco." "That's because," I said, "the whole thing was green screened."
OK. what the heck was that? Oh my gosh, it's real!!!! Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus (2009) (V) I can't believe this is real. I might have to find it and watch it just to see if I can kill off those last few remaining neurons.
Plan a vacation in Canada. Niagara Falls can be quite nice this time of the year Niagara Falls Ontario Canada City Web site - Official Niagara Falls Site According to that one Mythbusters episode, the currents around the Gate piers are pretty strong.