My '10 with NAV has a button for SAT. I just pushed it and the satellite radio worked. There is a free trial subcription. See thread "Satellite Radio Without Subcription" for more details. Lee
Prius II would likely accept either XM or Sirius as a dealer install. Prius III and above have XM pre-installed.
That's exactly right. Prius II and likely Prius I (when it comes out) is satellite radio compatible, not satellite radio ready. That means you have to install addition hardware in your sound system to get XM-Sirius (they are the same company now). The cost of the additional hardware varies among delares but the average is $ 500 in my area. So, keep in mind that considering that Prius III comes satellite radio ready (with 3 months free subscription), the difference in price between II and III is only 500 bucks in reality. So, basically you pay 500 bucks for bluetooth and upgraded audio (JBL). So, if you are a satellite radio person, you may considering getting the trim III instead of II (if you are debating about that). Cheers...
You are talking about a 2010 Prius, I know. But would this hold true for a 2009 #2 Prius? I've owned my Prius for exactly one week. It doesn't have XM radio and the dealer is having trouble "finding out if the current radio can be switched for satellite, not just compatibility with car but actual size." Anything I could tell him to make his life easier and mine happier?
Probably a question better asked in a Gen II Audio forum. This forum is for the 2010+ Prius, and the answers are geared as such. That being said, the Gen II Prius has a dealer added (or user installed) XM or Sirius option as well. Look @ Priuschat store for some options if you're handy, or give your dealer a call if you'd rather have them do it.
I will be purchasing a IV. I have a subscription to Sirius for 2 radios in my other car and at home. Does anyone know if this would be compatible with XM? I know they are the same company, but can you get the same stations now? Can I get Howard Stern on XM?
You may want to contact customer care at Sirius via web or phone and ask about your subscription. Howard Stern is available on XM at an additional charge as part of the Best of Sirius package.
I mounted a Roady XM, the aftermarket headunit that also works in a boombox. It fits in the console, power and audio connections are there, routed the antenna to the right side of the dash. No visible wires, no reception problems, just slide back the armrest and it is visible, fits like it was made for it.
Although Sirius & XM are now one company, there are still two separate streams broadcast over the satellite network....most all tuners out there (even those being sold as we speak) are set up to receive one stream or the other (Sirius or XM) but not both. The one exception I found is the Mirge SIRIUS Satellite Radio - MiRGE Interoperable Satellite Radio; however, this unit is an "outboard" type...i.e. bolt-on as opposed to fully factory integrated. The sat tuner that comes built-in to the Gen III Prius (Package 3, 4, & 5) is an XM tuner....the only way to get Sirius channels using that tuner is to get the "Best of Sirius" package for an additional charge on top of your XM subscription.....unfortunately this only gets you some of the Sirius channels, but it does include Howard Stern if that's all you're after. For those of us interested in Sirius only in a Gen III, I'd like to know more about the "Factory" XM Sat tuner. I read somewhere that it's now under the driver's seat??? not sure if that's correct. Some pictures sure would be nice (hint, hint, to those of you 2010 owners who have factory XM now). If it's using the same Directed Electronics interface (TOY-SC1) then it may be possible to just plug in the Sirius Tuner (SC-C1) to it in place of the XM tuner....and "voila" integrated Sirius......I realize that we'd be giving up the XM NavTraffic functionality.....but I hear that's an extra subscription cost after the free trial period I've read that the Prius' NAV system does not modify your suggested route based on the incoming traffic data, no biggie for me.