Does anyone know if the iPhone 3G is compatible with the Prius's Bluetooth technology? I've seen mixed reviews on whether it works or not.
Yes. Pairs and transfers all contacts without any problem on the 2010 Nav unit. Someone else will have to confirm for 2010 non-nav unit, but I haven't seen anyone complain yet.
I think you'll need the 3.0 update that is coming soon (June maybe?) to have the bluetooth audio streaming. At least that's what I'm banking on!
Right now, on my iPhone 3g with my 2004, I can punch in the number on the phone itself and hit [Send]. The phone then asks if I want to make the call using the phone or through the bluetooth pairing. So I would imagine that if you want to call someone 'new' - let's say a business you just looked up on Dex - then you can do that.
Haven't actually done it but voice recognition works pretty good and you can dial by number using it. Probably locks you out of the dial pad while moving.
At this time, the iPhone and iPhone 3G (phone portion) is listed as being fully compatible with the 2010 Prius. For detailed compatibility information, check out Toyota's bluetooth site here: Find a new phone for the You can also check out Toyota's bluetooth site at the following link to look up other phone compatibility: Toyota Bluetooth Phone For the bluetooth streaming audio, the iPhone and iPhone 3G are NOT currently compatible, but the iPhone 3G will be compatible in the very near future via a software update. Details on when the software update will be available will be presented during Apple's WWDC keynote presentation tomorrow. To check out details, the following website will have live coverage of the event tomorrow: : Live Event Coverage - Macworld San Francisco, WWDC & Special Events In the meantime, if you can't wait the one or two months before the software update is available, there are Bluetooth adapters for the iPhone 3G, iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPod. Just google iPhone bluetooth adapter.
I have an iPhone 3G, and the bluetooth sync with my 2010 V was a breeze. Unlike my '07 Prius, the 2010 also synced all of my contacts. That was a very nice surprise. I'm still a little disappointed the bluetooth audio streaming feature isn't usable, but I know the v3.0 software is designed to fix that. Apple said it would be out in June, so I'll just keep waiting . . .
That's great news and goes contrary to what others have said that it was Apple's fault that the iPhone 3G was at fault for not being able to download contacts on the PII. Can't wait for the iPhone 3.0 software update and see how streaming works.
I'm pretty sure that the iPhone 3.0 software update will be released tomorrow, June 8th. I'm hoping so - I also pick up my 2010 tomorrow! Dave
Bluetooth streaming audio is the capability for a device to play (stream) audio to the receiver (in this case the Prius) using a Bluetooth connection. The Prius has the capability to receive audio via Bluetooth, but the iPhone doesn't current have the ability to send it. The iPhone, however, is getting a software update really soon now (maybe even tomorrow) that will add this feature. In the meantime, an iPhone can be connected to the Prius stereo via an auxiliary cable (which is a very basic connection -- you can hear audio, but no other data is transmitted and you'll have to control the device from the device instead of the Prius' audio controls). And supposedly in the fall Toyota is going to make a software update available to any Gen3 Prius with a nav system so that an iPhone (or iPod) can be connected to the stereo with a USB connection (which lets the iPhone or iPod send all sorts of nifty data to the Prius and gives you super control over the device from the Prius' audio controls).
Hi I work for Concord Toyota and I have Paired 3 iphone 3g's so far with no problem all contacts transfer with out a problem but limited to only 1000 contacts. For blue tooth audio Streaming you will have to wait for the 3.0 os update plus you will get more features in the Iphone 3.0 update like copy and paste and mms message and alot more features in the update. Mike Azami Internet Manager Concord Toyota 1090 Concord Ave Concord Ca 94520 cell 925-813-1717 office 925-349-2236
I have to ask how the new Prius supports multiple phone numbers per contact. Does the new Prius allow multiple phone numbers per contact like the iPhone or did it transfer only 1 (first) number for each contact. The Gen II Prius used the OPP Bluetooth protocol for transfer which iPhone did not support in part because of the multiple phone number issue. So how is that handled in the new Prius?
Any word on whether the new iphone software will (finally) allow address book contacts to be sent to the 2004-2007 era Prius?
The iPhone 3.0 software update is due June 17th. This will be a large update, so expect delays as several million users site the Apple site on that day. Free to iPhone users, $10 to iTouch users.
The 2010 Prius supports up to 3 numbers per contact. For those w/ > 3, a second entry will be created. This was noted as I transferred my Blackberry contact list to the car and appeared to have some "dupes". Fortunately you can edit phone book entries now as well - you don't have to solely rely upon the transfer from the phone. Contact types include home, mobile, work/office, etc.
Mine (my '07, that is) connected quickly, too, perhaps on just the second or third attempt. Still, I could not transfer my contacts, except to move info one number at a time. The 2010 is different. The initial hookup was nearly effortless, and as soon as it was done, a button popped up on the screed asking if I wanted to sync my contacts. I pushed the "Yes" and waited about 60 to 90 seconds. All done. All contacts transferred. Pretty sweet, really.
Yeah. I've already turned off the "automatically check for updates" in iTunes. I'll give it about a month, listen for feedback, and then if I like what I hear (no crashes) I'll upgrade. I can't even figure out how to transfer one at a time. I thought I'd looked all over. How'd you do that?