Ok thanks, I will try that in about 20 minutes when I go out. I think the regenerative braking is very strong in this car but it doesn't seem to charge the battery very well. it might just be because it's so new. I'm basing that on the ECO gauge. It shows when the battery is charging but doesn't seem to do anything until I actually use the brake.
I was the first Prius V delivered by Jabber last night... And the First Prius V from that dealership, which many of the staff was drooling over.
Congratulations! :cheer2: The dealership where I picked up mine yesterday was the same way the sales guys were out taking pics of it in the detail area.
Steve, I'm sorry not to have caught this one sooner. Our Blue Mica friend caught it right away (Danke!). The "glide" we talk about is achieved by the "feathering" Blauer Glimmer described. You can see it a little on the screen you described. You also could see it on the "Energy" screen: The one with the Prius profile behind the ICE, electric motors and batteries. The "glide" is achieved when there are NO arrows. This happened in the Gen2 only (well, ALMOST exclusively only) at speeds below 42mph. In the Gen3, it appears the speed is now 45 or 46. By pushing the accelerator pedal a bit, you engage the motor enough to "repel" (my word, perhaps not the best choice) the drag that exists on or within the planetary gear. That drag either is a byproduct or was intended to mimic an automatic transmission. You'll need to work on it a bit to get the hand of it. I'm wondering, though, whether it won't be very difficult to teach on the Gen3, because the 2010 model is so much quieter and has so little vibration feedback. Let us know how it goes!
Thanks! I've only seen no arrows a couple of times. We have so many hills that very few places are flat. I did get it to go on pure electric to 46 mph I believe before the gas kicked in but there were arrows coming from the battery, but no red ones. I will try this some more when I can find a flat area with no hills or inclines. Either way it's going to take practice to feather it like that. But at least I can feel the drag so I will notice when it disappears. Something new to try. The 2009 I drove did not feel like it had that drag effect. So I guess that's changed for 2010.
You are very welcome! I'm not certain what happened when you were driving the 2009, but it is the same effect in both models. I think the "feel" is different, but the mechanics are, to my understanding, entirely the same. It seems to me to be easier to get it right "there" in the 2010, but I can tell only by the screen, not by the "feel" of the car. It is too darn quiet and vibration-free!
It will take me some time to nail it. But the 2009 seemed to glide for longer without slowing down. But this is from a drive a long time ago. Love the new Prius over the 2009 in every way. I miss the backup camera and the 3 door SKS, but that's all. The only thing I don't like about the Gen III Prius is the 3.8 turns to lock. I'm hoping the dealer will be able to "upgrade" the steering for a reasonable fee, otherwise if they put this new steering into the Prius II later I will just trade it in. The car is so great other than that. I also did find a way to jump to the presets in the radio so I can go 1 2 3 4 etc... without going through all the stations in between. You have to quick tap it the button on the steering wheel and it goes right to the next preset station. Works like a charm!
I know I was the first salesperson to deliver a 2010 model in my dealership (Jay C). First to deliver a V in my dealership (eglmainz). Come to think of it, I have all the firsts at my store. First one sold, first delivered, and the first of each model. Quite possibly the first "regular" dealer rep member on PC to deliver a car to a member (on 5/23). That one is in question though...
Just flick the shifter to "N" (neutral) ... it achieves the same operating condition as trying to feather the gas pedal to zero EMF on MG2, thus eliminating the resistive torque that produces electromagnetic braking.
I think the car is out of alignment and I'm sure that is having an effect on the car. It's tough to glide around here with so many hills. I did get out on some straight flat streets but still having trouble gliding. I guess I need more practice and maybe I should put it in ECO mode as well. I just need more practice.
FYI your warranty entitles you to one free alignment within 12months/12000 miles IF there's an issue such as tire wear, wandering, crooked steering, etc.
Thanks Rick, the steering wheel is crooked when I drive straight down the street, so something is off. My dealer said they'd check it and fix it if it was off. I didn't know about the warranty aspect. Thanks Steve
FYI, Rich was referring to the wheel alignment. If you are saying the steering wheel is not lining up center when the wheels are pointed straight, then that is a separate steering wheel alignment issue, that should also be adjusted/fixable under warranty.
Thanks, the dealer said whatever it is they will take care of it on Thursday. They have to see it, could be something simple.
Bad wheel alignment and crooked steering wheel go hand in hand. When the alignment is done, the steering wheel must be centered first. A good alignment gone bad by a pothole will often cause a crooked wheel because of bad toe-in - your wheel takes on a different position to create straight line driving (now at the expense of tire wear).
It was this way from the dealer so maybe it came off the ship that way? I'm sure they will fix it on Thursday.