Don't have a map, but I found this listing at TundraHeadquarters blog: REGIONAL OFFICES: Boston Office (ME, NH, VT, MA, RI) 508-339-5701 New York (NY, NJ, CT) 973-575-7600 Central Atlantic (PA, VA, WV, MD, DE) 410-760-1500 Southeast Region (NC, SC, AL, GA, FL) 954-429-2000 Cincinnati Region (MI, OH, KY, TN) 513-745-7500 Chicago Region (MN, WI, IL, IN) 630-907-0150 Kansas City Region (ND, SD, NE, KS, IA, M0) 816-891-1000 Gulf States Region (OK, TX, MS, LA, AR) 713-580-3300 Portland Region (AK, WA, OR, ID, MT) 503-493-4900 Denver Region (WY, CO, UT, NM, AZ, NV) 303-799-6776 San Francisco Region (Northern CA) 925-830-8300 LA Region (Southern CA) 949-727-2700 Hope this helps!
Here you go: Strangely, this too is from a Tundra site:
Would contacting the regional help at all i getting the model and options one wants if the dealers can't seem to make guarantees? All of the ones I have spoken to do not know what they will get beyond their current allocation until they receive word of their next allocations. They seem to get allocation news every two weeks or so. Having an order in for a blue model 4 w/ sunroof (or whatever) seems to mean nothing since they don't when that particular car will be allocated to them.
I think your question may be answered -- probably not to your satisfaction -- in this thread: Hope this helps. .