I've looked around and can't seem to find any pictures of what Dark Gray (interior fabric ) would look like on a 2010 Prius II model. Do you have pictures of dark gray from previous years. Dealer called yesterday and told me that Misty Gray (my first choice) was not available. Now I have to go with dark gray. Thanks! Cheers!
I have the dark gray, and its really not that dark. Nowhere near as dark as the gray in my Honda or my Smart Car. Its more medium gray to me. The material is kind of suede like and very smooth.
please please pleas post pictures. I have a dark gray on order but still have not seen pictures of it anywhere.
Go to Toyota web site Build your car (Prius) Color is third step, dark grey interior is first choice on left. Then you can get three good views. Carl
Tideland, first and last pics must be Misty Gray. Like other guy said, do build your own on Toyota.com for a good look and Dark Gray interior.
Thanks, these photos are really helpful to confirm I made the right choice on my interior. The Dark Gray looks like it's not so dark that it'll help absorb too much sunlight, but dark enough that it'll hide minor stains.
I have the Misty Gray interior and I've notice that the driver's left foot pad shows a lot of residue/dirt from pavement, etc as it is not protected by the floor mats. I love the 2-tone treatment, but you're right, there are definite tradeoffs.
I wish it was darker (always owned cars with black interior) but, oh well. I'll take it. Thanx to all who posted.
I have seen both and prefer the dark gray. The misty would definetely show more stains... The dealership usually has some samples of fabric/leather in the available colors in a little book.
Nope, they're both Dark Grey. They're monotone (look at the door vs. the seat colour). The reason why they look lighter than the other photos is because of the lighting they used to take the shot. Take a look at the shadows. Methinks they're holding a fluorescent light tube a foot over the hood, shining it through the windshield.