I upgraded some software on the server last night and this morning saw that every post now said "ArrayArray" instead of the actual server text. Thinking it was a database hack, I checked the database and saw the data was still there, so I marked hack off the list. It ended up being a problem that was associated with the new version of php and our optimization software. Since I am now limited as to what work on PriusChat I can actually do from my 9-5 job (imagine that, they give you a promotion and expect you... ), it took longer than normal for me to find the solution and perform the fix. So, I apologize for the downtime, but thanks for your patience today! Danny
At least Danny didn't have to go digging through boxes of punch cards or visually inspect the rack of core memory. Thanks for keeping this site going, Danny.
I understand about the lack of time also,Danny. Years ago when I worked for an Olds/Cad dealer, I also helped out a friend who had a service station with 2 bay garage. I was there on lunches, Saturdays, and once while on vacation! And I also had a few customers at home too! Now that I work 25 miles away and the kids were growing up, my day job is enough. Sometimes to much. Just not enough hours in the day or days of the week :lol:
Man, do I know where you're coming from, Danny. When did life get this busy and complicated?! (And I haven't even had children! How do parents juggle their time?) Thank you for your hard work on the site - appreciate it all the more, knowing how your time is limited.
As a parent of four, now grown, children, all I can say is that somehow you find time. What I want to know is where is that time now that they are out of the house and have their own families? I don't seem to have any more time than I used to.
Thanks, Danny. You know we all love PriusChat or we wouldn't say anything when we can't get to it. Thanks again for the best Prius Chat web site.