I just got done with test driving the New 2010 and the 1.8 has so much more get up and go than the 1.5.The front end even picks up a little when you mash the pedel to the ground. To think it gets better MPG than the GenII and is so much quicker is a great acomplishment for Toyota and deserves a Horay.:cheer2: I am so glad I got my deposit in a year ago and am get mine with a June 22 arrivial date. Takes a little while to ship them to Colorado. I could ramble on about all the things I like but when you are a Harley rider and you drive a GREEN car and it actually gets up and go. That is a big plus. Its also just a little but more quiet than my Harley. :heh:
I've noticed that a bit w/o flooring it. I won't floor it (not for more than a second or two) until after 600 miles though (200 to go)... I try to respect the break-in schedule.
The salesmen didn't tell me there was a break in period. I was driving it on the on ramp like I was in NASCAR :bolt:
Pretty much all engines have a break-in period, even though modern engine manufacturing is so much better than in the past. Read your owners manual to find the procedure. Wayne
Some salesmen are there to sell cars at any cost. If you flooring it up the on-ramp seals the deal, why should they tell you otherwise? Straight from the manual (page 151): Breaking in your new Toyota To extend the life of the vehicle, the following precautions are recommended to observe: For the first 200 miles (300 km): • Avoid sudden stops. For the first 600 miles (1000 km): • Do not drive at extremely high speeds. • Avoid sudden acceleration. • Do not drive at a constant speed for extended periods.
Simply AWESOME -- a Prius and a Harley. I have a Winter Grey (gray) w/Misty Gray interior. Of course I'm biased, but I think that's the sportiest color combo of 'em all. It's the neatest feeling cruisin' down the road at 60 mph, feathering the accerlerator and maxing the FE gauge at 100 mpg. :rockon:
Not to be too picky, here, but remember that when you peg the FE gauge you aren't getting 99.9 MPG, but 99.9+. At 60 mpg, you may be getting 130, 160, or higher!
It's more in your mind than on paper. Every article I've read on acceleration states that the numbers are very similar to the previous gen model. One thing is certain is that the mileage will be better. As for drag racing a gen ii?? It is going to be a tie or the gen iii may win by a nose. Not much to brag about. However, the 2010 is much more refined than the previous gen. Based on how many miles I have on my gen ii I may end up skipping this model. I usually run my cars until they die. No sense in wasting money on a new car unless you need it.
52mpg this tank. Last tank was 47.7mpg because I was "playing". After resetting the trip meter B mid-tank for my commutes, I was at 51-52mpg (don't recall exactly).
gofast and blippo, please post some pics of your Prius and Harley. Would be fun to see both together in one pic.