Hi Guys & Gals Would/could someone please tell me the best place to purchase a cabin air filter & also the engine air filter at a great price with free delivery ? My wife took her 2006 Prius in for the free oil changs & the service advisor tried to sell her both of these filters, a tire rotation & also a four wheel alignment. A well trained fellow ! And, any installation instructions would also be appreciated. Thanks ! Bill in FL
I get mine from Metro. Shipping isn't free (there ain't no free lunch ) but buying them in quantity reduces the per-unit shipping, and it's still substantially cheaper than what most dealers charge. The engine air filter is quite simple: It's in the black rectangular shaped plastic box in the engine compartment, towards the left as you're looking from the front. There are several clips that hold the top in place. Release those and the lid comes off to provide access to the filter. Make sure you don't allow any debris accumulated on the top of the filter to drop into the air opening beneath it. The cabin filter also is pretty simple, though pictures might make it easier to explain.
I buy mine from the local Toyota dealer. Instructions for changing both at on this site John's Stuff - Toyota Prius and more. Both are easy and take about 5 minutes.
I heard there is a MIATA cabin filter that works perfect for 1/2 the price. Does anyone know the cross reference?
I have bought from Autohaus two times and have been pleased. It is significantly cheaper than the dealer (based on their earlier attempts to sell them to me). My second order was just this past week and their prices were close to Metro's. I got free shipping though (for orders over $50), so it was cheaper to go with Autohaus. Easy to compare prices online though to see which you like best. Follow the instructions linked or discussed above. It is extremely easy to change both of them and after the first time you could probably do both in two minutes (depending on how much junk is in your glove box!)
FRAM has both filters now. CA10159 for air intake and CF9846A for cabin. Both run about $18 at local parts stores. Might be overall savings after paying freight from on-line purchase.
Using the FRAM part numbers that you provided I found them on Google at - rockauto.com - for $13.75 for the cabin air filter & $7.51 for the fuel air filter + shipping of $6.70 to FL from CA. Not a bad deal ! Thanks for all of these tips & if you have a better deal - please let me know. Thanks ! Bill in FL
AIR FILTER TOYOTA PRIUS 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009:eBay Motors (item 270396044720 end time Jun-22-09 15:20:48 PDT)
Thanks for tip. Most of the poo-pooing of Fram seems to be their oil filters. I can't see any holes, and they seem to be as beefy as OEM air filter. So far, no geese have gotten into the intake.
Here is an EBay lot number for a combo pack including both the Cabin & Engine air filters, delivered for about $20. This lot number is for the newer Prius & they also offer the same deal for the older Prius. Lot number - 350204753246 Bill in FL
You can save even more money by washing your cabin filter occassionally instead of always replacing it. If you have special health needs then by all means get a new one.
Please let us know how the service/delivery was & how the quality looks to you & do they fit properly ? A reply on this thread would be great. Thanks. Bill in FL
After looking at Walmart and Straus auto today I went to a local auto parts store and they had the air intake and cabin filter from NAPA. Both with tax came to $35... The NAPA ones fit perfectly once installed. More than looking around but needed them in a rush...
XSMATT81 - Re: Cabin & engine air filters ?? XSMATT81 - You wrote that - "nice prices. Just ordered two packs" & I am really curious how you liked the quality of these filters ? Thanks. Bill in FL
Re: XSMATT81 - Re: Cabin & engine air filters ?? PRIUS AIR FILTER AND CABIN FILTER COMBO 2004 2005 2006:eBay Motors (item 120442164564 end time Jul-29-09 06:38:46 PDT) New link! But on check out it says 2004-2006 and the ad says 2004-2009!