I removed this after being informed that the site which flooded me with the information was not a reliable source. Thanks for letting me know!!! Bad day at 1AM, a wandering mind with a need to know. A disaster just waiting to happen! I'm bad, time for a spanking! *@#*OH, THAT HURT! I sure could use a list of unreliable PRIUS sites. If anyone would care to share a few I would love to block them. Being the new guy on here can have its disadvantages. I seem to be getting way to many popups and link sites here.
There are issues with the HID headlights, in that the HID bulbs are reported to fail sooner than some might expect. In almost all cases, the problem (as reported here on the forums) has been due to the bulbs, not the circuits that control them. "Premature" headlight failures are not new. My 2001 Beetle would "eat" headlight bulbs at the rate of about one per year! And Volkswagon wanted $80 a pop to change each one! But once someone showed me how to do it, it became a 5-10 minute job, and only cost me about $6 per headlight. Looking on the bright side, there are users here that have posted how to change the bulbs. Once someone learns how to do it, it is a fairly quick job that can be done by most owners. Also, the HID bulbs don't just fail outright. They "blink off", but can be restarted by turning the headlights off and then back on. So when that starts happening, it's a warning that the bulb needs to be changed. I see that you have a 2010 on order. The 2010s no longer have HID headlights, so it's a moot point with the 2010 model. Best wishes,
Here's what I know about rotors on modern cars: many manufacturers are making their rotors so thin that there is not much material to allow them to be turned if they should warp. Couple this with the move away from asbestos brake pads to metal ones, and the following can occur: - Let's say that you have to do a panic stop, or other heavy braking. Immediately after, you park the car, without driving further after the hard stop. The metallic brake pads will be sitting over one part of the rotor, giving up all that heat that they just absorbed from stopping. The rotor then becomes unevenly heated, and this will cause the rotor to warp. I know, because this is exactly what happened to my Chevy Uplander van. I was incredulous that the rotors could not be turned, that they had to be replaced, and that they even warped at all! But now I know better, and after a panic stop I will be certain to drive further to allow the rotors to cool before stopping. A lesson learned.
Scienceexpert, Did you realize that there are many other choices in automobiles, some of them aren't even made by Toyota? Maybe you should look into a GM model or a Chrysler car? I understand that you can probably get an exceptional deal on one of those.
Also be aware "consumer affairs" is a website run by "ambulance chasing" attorneys. Everything you see there is there to generate revenue for THEM, not to protect YOU! Many modern cars can have their 12V battery go dead if undriven for several weeks. The Prius is not alone in this field. I doubt there would be any successful action on this, but you never know, given the state of the US legal system. There is NOTHING "wrong" with the Gen II traction control system. It was rendered less sensitive in 2005. With proper tires for the driving conditions it works just fine, thank you. I can't comment on the HID headlamps, other than to say I'm glad the Canadian distributor didn't want to participate in that experiment! We have -NO- problems with the halogen lamps. Order them if you are worried, don't rant and rave about something you don't own!
HID lights are hardly an experiment, they've been around a long time...the HIDs on the Prius and the Lexus are still fine on original bulbs...
What gives? You've started seven threads, and I'm wondering about your intent in joining our conversations here on PriusChat. Here's what I've seen: 2009 Prius Staggering Repair Costs! Not a bad start, because you talk about looking at future repair costs, finding out that the Parts counter at a Toyota dealership charges some high numbers for a replacement HV battery and a "transmission." These threads can lead to good discussions and show people what real costs might be and what is or is not covered under warranties. Prius Super Long handled windshield cleaning tool! A post that refers readers offsite for sales. Sept. 2009 Prius with new improved steering & USB? Looking for a link about steering and USB? This one started to seem odd to me. If you've heard about such issues, why not provide the link yourself? Well, that leads me to the four new threads you've started this morning. Are the ECM Headlights & Taillights new in the 2010? This almost seems like a real question, but you just refer everyone to an off-site source of gripes. Stored Prius nearly Kills Mechanic? A lame story that you "reprint" that almost looks like your story, but provides a link to the same off-site source of gripes. Theft Loss-Lose a Smart Key: $2,835 Once again, another lame story. This time it seems like you are making it look more like your own story. Why? 2010 prius defective systems? This is getting pretty tiresome. What is your objective? Are you hoping to learn more about the car so you can determine whether to buy it or choose something else? Are you looking to warn people who may otherwise be making a decision with less than all of the information? Are you the owner or employee of someone behind or related to one or more of the websites you've been mentioning? Just wondering . . .
This "scienceexpert" is no more a science expert as I'm a neuro surgeon. Or spelling bee winner, ha, ha. It's entertainment at its best reading these "posts". wow, i think I WILL trade up to a GM vehicle...not. all these articles smack of the 'fair and balanced' Faux news stories.
Having read the "New Car Features," everything is replaced. You can buy your own copy by contacting Toyota Technical Information Services. But I have noticed you have great fear of the Prius and I'd like to suggest you might be happier with a Jetta TDI. We have seen a number of Jetta TDI advocate postings here and about all we can tell is the Jetta TDI is a older technology. This may be more agreeable with your risk-adverse nature. For example, the Jetta allows you to turn off the traction control system. Bob Wilson
Great information to avoid it happening to me again. A little knowledge can be a good thing if it is correct and reliable.:rockon:
Agreed - after a panic (or even fairly rapid) stop I always roll forward just a bit to limit the possibility of the hot-spot.
Hello SE: No problem. I didn't think that you were a troll, just someone in "panic" mode. Best wishes,